Is this true?
Is this true?
yes we're close to the start
You're comparing a chart over years to a one month chart. Ridiculous comparison. That Bitcoin chart very well may be the 1998 part of the dot com part
This, OP is retarded.
Exactly. All these fucking bubble charts compare a historical bubble with a clear beginning, peak, and end to an emerging market in progress. Any month- or week-long part of the first two bubbles could be isolated, blown up, and they would look like the BTC curve, even if they were actually still years away from peak and collapse.
>bitcoin boom is going to be shorter than a craze for a literal fucking flower fomo 500 years ago
Tulips = actual useful technology
Okay user...
If you haven't noticed, everything is speeding up. Cultural, social, and economic trends are a lot faster and more explosive. You basically have the meme of the week with the younger people, where everyone is repeating something constantly, and then it's gone before you know it. We're moving towards micro-trends that last a day or even an hour before the collapse.
The 2030 equivalent of the bitcoin bubble will make people 10,000% gains in 30 minutes.
>emerging market in progress
>he didn't invest in daffodils
Tulips are a fucking ponzi you daft cunts! Did you think people would ever start using your fucking meme flowers as currency by 1637? TOP KEK
You could zoom in on parts of the dotcom boom and it'd just like the bitcoin boom chart. The bubble hasn't burst yet.
if you zoom into parts of the tulip bubble you can see the whole entire bitcoin bubble inside of the dotcom bubble interlaced into the a greater tulip bubble
What would the dotcom bubble look like if you went from 1998 to 2018?
Assets have to be committed by real people and real people brains aren't changing along with with the amazing tech we create right now. It takes a lot of time for tech to be adopted. Just accept that we just don't know where this is going. We were lucky to be born in an amazing time.
>You're comparing a chart over years to a one month chart.
crypto is 24h market so 1 year in crypto equals 3 in regular markets
doesn't matter anyway though
if we start counting from post-gox year this will roughly get us pretty close to dotcom timeline
You may very well be right user. Whatever happens, we have to stay involved in the crypto scene for the years to come. Even after disastrous losses somehing will emerge victorious.
>not buying Geraniums
its like you enjoy being poor
Obviously a biased sample, but Qualcomm became the largest company in the world at the height of the dotcom bubble. They are still a very major player in the tech industry however the share price adjusted for inflation has never come close to the levels reached in 1999.
Perhaps a possible comparison would be that a smart contract crypto will be nowhere near as lucrative as the Dapps that it runs.
Op the problem with your chart is, that's from december. The bubble has laready burst, bottomed out, and now the market is recovering. The correction already happened, Where have you been for the past 2 months? You're also making the assumption that a large correction happening will completely kill a market, were still using the internet today despite the dotcom bubble bursting in the 90s. The technology didn't go anywhere, I you hold long enough eventually you will recover the money you lost.
Transfering funds in seconds across the globe without other parties interfering isn't useful?
We're the early adopters.
Dot com was also early days in an emerging market built around new tech. Zoom back that chart up to present day and dot com "bubble" looks like first sell off on everyone's favorite meme chart. Internet is worth much more now than it ever was at the height of the "bubble".
Like dot com sector, I expect a violent weeding out of small startup coins and a fight over top spot amongst the large caps in coming years. Also something will come out of nowhere and rocket to the top because it does everything better and everyone likes it. Who knows what that will be.
What if the rate at which trend speed increases is also a bubble?
Why, REQ of course.