My son is turning two tomorrow how and in what way to approach his future with Literature in general

My son is turning two tomorrow how and in what way to approach his future with Literature in general

If he can't follow the plot of Finnegan's Wake you should consider putting him up for adoption.

Obviously (when the time comes)

-Narrative of Fredrick Douglass
-Of Mice and Men
-Catcher in the Rye, Nine Stories

Firstly I suggest you learn to write

FW no suprise since Joyce did love the smell of farts

Type? Also I was lazy so I my phone transcribed it to text- also fuck you

with that attitude your son is bound to be a success - who needs literature when you have a stupid lazy dad

im actually really smart

im sure

Your gay

Get him some of those kids books with the thick cardboard pages that can be chewed on. Also get stuffed toys that more or less match the characters in the books. Kids love that.

Read him The Recognitions as a bedtime story.


if your being serious, get him some childrens books and read them enthusiasticly with him, if daddy loves something so will your wifes son

>The Recognitions
Ohhh slyly bringing up "the most overlooked important work of the last several literary generations"

But srsly did u read it did you like it was it good did it make you feel euphoric

turd burglar

let me hide this thread so my night isn't ruined by further imagining the suffering you will inflict upon your son.

uphill gardener

Only 236 pages left to go. It's been quite a trip. But seriously though, read it to your kid, I'd be curious to see how a child raised on Gaddis would turn out.

Read some Greek mythology senpai. Kids love that shit

I have a nephew i want to give the jungle books by Kipling , along with some puppets of the animals from the stories.
Peter Pan is another one I want to introduce early, even if it's just me reading a chapter and pretending with him.

I liked it, way better than V.


I read my tots Marx's On the Jewish Question every night.

