1:30 - "We are working with Ledger"
it will dump, just fucking watch it, the market is retarded
So what was the update?
>So what was the update?
they are realising shelley in parts, so no big pump, we still have time
dubs confirm it, at least until the end of March to buy back in
stop, the pajeets will fuck this up for everyone
Just keep quiet about this
Pretty much this. Everything is still according to plan, and it looks like they'll meet their deadlines. They're fixing small things with the first release, and will go ahead with the second one (the big one) soon. No huge surprises as far as I can see, simply general good news.
yup everybody follows the sell the news meme
testnet for smartcontracts in April
i've got 400 ada, will i make it?
for a new TV, sure
I'm honestly just excited for the platform
Holy fuck I love his eyeball! How can we lose?
ADA is going to BTFO EOS, Ethereum, NEO, ICX, and everything.
If you hold for 2-3 years, you will have a decent sum of money, but won't make it unless you live in a third-world shithole.
if it goes according to plan with staking and dapps, ADA might pump to $5 EOY
personally, it's my safe fund, I make the most of other coins and put it in ADA, main goal is to get as much as I can before it goes to top3 and stake this bitch until the whole markets hits 10T
how much is worth holding? what do you speculate?
At least mid 5 figures. I'm as bullish on ADA long term as the next guy, but this shit is still overpriced, even as it's bled to death for 5 weeks in a row. $7bil market cap right now, for what, a desktop wallet?
We will be lucky to see this top out at $7. Please don't listen to these fucking tards that think a mid-tier coin with 26 BILLION IN CIRCULATION will hit $50 bucks a coin.
>We will be lucky to see this top out at $7. Please don't listen to these fucking tards that think a mid-tier coin with 26 BILLION IN CIRCULATION will hit $50 bucks a coin.
$50 in 2025 if crypto is still around, who knows
but there are a lot of fucking moon missions around the corner desu
Looking that far in the future is dumb for crypto, there are too many unknowns so you could say literally anything. I think that Cardano will easily be worth a few dollars once it's fully functional, and that's already great when you take into consideration that most of the projects out right now will be in the red come EOY. The talk of "this coin will be worth $1000" that kept being repeated about everything is nonsense.
Ada will never ever get to 50$ the market cap is huge. It just won't ever happen