It just can't break through. Time for the sell off.
It just can't break through. Time for the sell off
every time these meme charts are posted the lines are at a different angle
fuck off with you hand reading bullshit
Lol ya they always inch it out a little bit more.
Thanks I just put it all into BTC.. if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gone all in on BTC
Banks now hold the majority of bitcoin and will keep it within a ~2k USD band (currently between ~9.5-11.5k) that will rise very gradually in cycles like the one we've just seen for as long as they can keep milking the cow. That strawpoll earlier where everyone voted that bitcoin would rise to $30-50k this year proves this board is 90% delusional newfags
everytime you lose money and I sell the top I laugh and celebrate
Forgot pic, this is an imageboard after all
>if it can't break $34,500 btc is done.
draw a proper trend line for once nigger.
Imagine having this little understanding of supply and demand. Fucking brainlets I tell ya
The money will flow into other things, there's always profit to be had
>supply and demand, brainlet nigger
There is no real demand for cryto. Normies will never accept your fake internet money.
Why are you coping Edwards meme chart?
i like Pontormo
>literally tangent to the other 2 peaks
>different angle
Oh lol, the whales have cashed out 50K BTC on Bitfinex during the past 12 hours. and the normies keep on buying it up.
What are they expecting? We went past the previous top twice, but it did not moon after.
Good eye
This place would be more interesting if more here would at least accept this possibility. It's a fucking cargo cult bound by shared desperation
At this point it's safe to assume 90% of bizraelis get their information here exclusively
> 5btc>
Pick one
The big red wall of china isn't falling any time soon. Time to take your profits and wait for the dump.
I'm so sorry...
artificial. to scare you. you're scared.
sure tard
more like 100k$.
and no banks don't have all the btc and control the market lol. fucking retard
50k btc = 50,000 bitcoins
Keep on keeping on my dude. What do I know anyway, I'm a fucking retard
If it break through, you'll make another meme chart saying it's a bulltrap, low volume, or other shit anyway so it doesn't matter
you're practically trembling. over a fake wall. pussy.
It's not just his. 1 hour charts show clear resistance at 11.5k. Could breakout soon or this could be a fakeout.
Chill 100k eoy
I'm sorry user. Feel bettr soon k? Alway rember happy day.
There were also charts showing resistance at 11k. When will it happen, user?
Wow that chart looks so organic
This is what resistance looks like. It cant keep flirting with the top and fail to break through. Get through huge gains, fail long bear run.
Whales are trying desperately hard to push through but it seems someone or another group of whales are dumping hard on this price point. They obviously can't do this forever or they'll run out of money doing pumps and then for other people just to dump and sell at a higher price making decent profit for them. Another push through now, we'll see if it breaks. If not then consider bitcoin going down. and resumption of the bear market.
The suspense is killing me. I hope it'll last.
who's that faggot whale that keeps putting 100 btc sells? REEEEEEEEEE
Chad Shekelberg
The whales have been cashing out the whole day. Like 55K BTC sold within the past 20 hours without making the price drop... yet. They just buy some back when the price starts dropping so normies FOMO and buy their walls down. Once the normies stop believing, they will just market dump it all.
>tfw after shorting from 8k to 11.3 I finally went bull and made back all the money I lost being stubborn.
Don't trade against the trend lads
the first run to 11.7 I meant
I'm just thinking maybe it's a long run up to a supermoon.
Going straight back up to 20k is a little optomistic straight away dont you think? It will probably fall for a bit, then slowly climb to 30k EOY
Over 11,500. Is this the break through?
nope, already happened twice before.
do you know how downward sloping lines work user?
i still prefer to do my TA the good old fashioned way. back in muh day we didnt have these nintentoes and mode-ems. ill stick with my chicken entrails if its all the same to you, you kids have fun.
it just needs a little push. Sell your fucking shitcoins and give daddy a push
maybe, just maybe, BTC is gonna be stable for awhile. I know, crazy right.
i just love these grand sweeping statements that get thrown around here...
>bitcoin is too "young"
nigger what does that even mean? young compared to what?
the next hour is absolutely critical for bitcoin
Compared to something that has been around long enough to stabilize.
Compared to every normal market. This is a new tech, you have no idea when it has reached a maturity point.
Only 2%of Japs own crypto. And they're 64% of the market. This shits young as fuck mah nigga