Im seriously thinking to sell everything and going all in on HPB, yeah i know never go all in on one coin but this shit is the one i habe good feeling about. Should i do it? Opinions?
Im seriously thinking to sell everything and going all in on HPB...
Other urls found in this thread:
don't buy chink coins...this one is more worried about a website redesign than working product.
HPB will be huge. I think it will be a while though. Take a look at the roadmap.
Just bought s'more
Me too but seriously don't go all in, it's like 20% of my port right now and considered going all in on this or amb but you very well could get wrecked on flipside could be best thing you ever did who fucking knows
Checked. You will be rewarded if you do. If you want to go further down the HPB rabbit hole, you must read the BBN white paper.
explain for brainlet, me no read BBN, me hold HPB, halp
I will not spoon feed you but check out the core team first and then see the advisors. Recognize anyone? Read the whitepaper. HPB is mentioned several times and it is beginning to shed more light on the Chinese cryptosphere. We are literally looking at Union Pay/The Chinese Governments blockchain incubation project with these two and several others.
i have just entered the rabbit hole...on my way to china now
LINK and Matrix shills stopped after they dumped it, HPB threads started.
I hope biz gets dumped again.
God speed user.
HPB is a legitamte project user, you should seriously look into it.
Also, I see both of those coins shilled on a daily basis. I don't own either, but they seem like great projects.
oh fuck i found serious competitor to hpb.. called credits
What makes this better than Elastos?
ok, still slightly confused. Is BBN available now, or is it an upcoming network. The road map stops at July 2018. still reading tho
They fucked up with the name. HPB is too close to HPV and will just make people think of herpes. That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw this thread
Is credits partnered with China Union Pay?
why would u compare those way diff projects
Just started trading on Bibox 30 hours ago. Not on coinmarket cap yet. Literally trading at $.04 right now.
no. neither is hpb YET to be honest, no official statement or partnership announcet yet
Same ecosystem, non competitor, and most likely potential future partner. ELA is a great vision.
this. everytime
You should really go read the BBN white paper, understand who Kelvin Long is, and decide for yourself. If you would like to wait on an official announcement with a parade sponsored by Union Pay in HPB's name, then that is fine..But I promise HPB will not be trading at $5 a coin when that happens.
Do you want to make it user? The best investors can read through the lines when given substantial bread crumbs.
The way you talk is that you think its likely guaranteed to hpb work. What if testnet fails? No 1m tps or even half that? unionpay partnership does not help on there if produxt does not work
Good thing "HPB" is equivelant China to us reading 高性能区块链.
This coin is the common denominator for the Chinese state sponsored blockchain.
high ping bastard
That is fair. Can't we say the same about literally every other crypto project though? My money is on the coins that are being backed by powerful people.
If I am wrong, I am out of the money I invest. If I am right it is a life changing event.
Only trying to share my perspective.
it's high ping bastard
I did user, join me on this journey to riches
How much hpb are you guys holding, I'm considering buying some but I'm not sure if it'll fix what's going on with neo
thanks for the heads up user.
t. wagecuck with limited research time
It does not require NEO's success. HPB is blockchain agnostic.
That shit is legit going to be the next NEO.
I have 800 of them.
Imagine NEO launching a few months before the most parabolic/orgasmic cryptosphere run the world has ever seen.
If you hold you will make it.
Checked on BBN, you better buy some.
Anytime user.
What are you saying user????
I don't know much about HPB or BBT but I see a team member of CPChain on the advisory board for Banyan. So that makes me bullish on CPC masternodes.
But what about HPB masternodes?
What does Banyan aim to acheive?
What do you think of HPB CPC and BBT?
I have never heard of BBT.
HPB masternode information is still to come.
Read the BBN white paper. I will not elaborate further as I am still buying and the price is so low that a wave will move it higher.
HPB and CPC are winners and very well connected to very powerful people in China. I own HPB but do not own CPC.
Look at the teams for both HPB and BBN. Make the connections as to what powers are behind them.
Stfu about Banyan. No one needs to know yet.
Thanks user. I will. I know HPB is partnered with UnionPay. I want to get a Masternode for HPB and already have one for CPC. I will read the whitepaper and research the teams for both HPB and BBN.
I also know SAIC motors just granted testing for auto driving cars fueled by IoT technology and CPChain are working with SAIC to provide IoT data for them.
HPB is partnered with UnionPay, and other things as well. It seems like in China, everybody knows everybody and they are all collectively working towards the same endgoal and blockchain will become huge in china this year.
Okay, but I wouldn't wait long to get yours.
Not only will it be huge, but it will be extremely stable compared to most cryptos if this is indeed what is happening.
did you buy it in the private sale?
It seems to me like Banyan is aiming to interconnect all the data of all the chains?
Like a storage system for all the data?
Also, what is the current market cap of BBN at the price of 5 cents? How much circulating supply are there?
No, it just started trading at around private sell price 2 days ago. Private sell price was 2 or 3 cents and it is not around 5 cents.
The paid shilling in this thread is top notch. How do I contact your team for my coin? We have a budget of 250k for reddit/biz shilling.
That is my interpretation from their white paper. Large fusion data on the blockchain.
Marketcap is estimated between 13 and 16 million.
Coin Circulation is 250,000,000 with total supply of 1,000,000,000. They will be releasing some ore this year I believe.
I am not receiving a dime from anyone, I am simply giving you my perspective from what I have read. A partnership with Union Pay requires zero paid shilling.
Do you honestly expect people to not be interested in a project that claims to be partnered with a credit card transaction company that is 4X a large as Visa? GTFO
Yea I think 70% will be dumped into the market at a later point
How do we feel about Bottos? HPB and Bottos have announced an official partnership recently
Gotta ask mate. What are your thoughts on FSN (FUSION)?
EOY prediction in 1-2 years if its succesful?
As a guy who holds HPB and CPC, this thread makes me oscillate between feeling extremely bullish and feeling like too good to be true always is. I find myself wondering whether this echo chamber of positivity, one that echoes ny own reasons for buying in, is something coordinated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean I am anonymous so take it for what it's worth, but no to the coordination. Like I said earlier, if my perspective is wrong, that is okay. I am diversified enough. If I am right? Life changing.
I will be the first to admit that a parabolic moon will take awhile. We need China to publicly soften their position towards crypto.
I hold CPC and now hold BBN.
I hold 250k CPC and will try to get a hold of 250k BBN as well.
I will also try to see if I can get a hold of 15k HPB as well.
Hopefully i'll be able to run a masternode on all three platforms :)
Are those the masternode requirements?
I'm basing the MN requirements for VEN as VEN has a 1B total coin supply and their highest tier nodes are 250k coins. So BBN has 1B total supply as well, i'm basing it off that too. I will try to gain maybe like 150k BBN maybe or something like that.
I will also try to gain 15k HPB as they have less total coins.
I'm basing all MN requirements on the VeChain MN tiers though. Something to consider and I am just doing the ratios accordingly. Better to have more than enough and sell the rest after they announce MN requirements when the price pumps IMO
where you guys picking up your BBN
Big baller!
Thanks brah
This thread has blown my mind wtf. I’ve held HPB for a while now and union pay alone is enough buy these big rabbit hole tier connections get my rocks off oh boy I am excited
Fuck I just bought HBP now this happened
Anytime user. Please DYOR before buying anything. God speed.
Safe to buy from kucoin? There was fud yesterday about withdrawals are they fixed now?
I have not used KUCoin and only heard murmers about the fud so I do not know. Bibox works awesome though.
Tbh, HPB seems really highly priced for something that hasn't even started being used yet. Its total supply according to CMC seems to be 100M tokens, with about 22M being valued at $4.88 each. That means this project has a true market cap of 100M * $4.88 = $488M.
That's almost half a billion dollars. How could it possibly moon from here? The only way is if it actually becomes the ethereum of China.
If you have "good feels" about a project without a product, you may be retarded.