So why did someone market sell 559k LINK?
So why did someone market sell 559k LINK?
where nigger?
dump it
Look at github where now all the action happens. Mainnet won't be out for SXSW.
lol what?
my guess is someone left a limit sell order up and forgot about it
someone else's limit buy order took over.
which means some user out there, somewhere. just got justd
f-fat fingers
Yeah, whoever bought this LINK piece of shit scam
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
which wallet was it?
it was me. cuz link is gay.
Ofc not
it was sergey he threw a party at mcd
That doesn't mean someone market sold 500k link, moron. That's just the volume
Dunno why or who, but I was glad to take them off his hands for him.
are you retarded?
lol i scooped some up on the dip too, nice and juicy
He is a touch, but that's the volume for the whole period not one sale.
I bought the ETH pair.
you guys aren't even trying anymore
Do you really think something a bunch of self-sabotaging NEETs invested into and actively FUD for fun is going anywhere? Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
It was me bc link just isn't worth holding desu. It's barely done anything since ico
remember us when youre a billionaire in 3 yrs
because... We've told you... AND CONTINUE TO TELL YOU
>Now hand over the fucking bags you weak handed little bitch.
That's your basis for why LINK is shit?
I was wondering how the price got below .60. I should really buy more, I only have 115k at the moment.
d-does.. anyone have any n-new link news?
>pic related
>you guys aren't even trying anymore
He's fucking desperate to buy back in low. Must have sold in the 30s.
But he's at least somewhat right. People here are only shilling this token because of the way the ICO. Was structures and how they got stuck with heavy bags. If that didn't happen like it did, I doubt we would ever see mentioned at all here.
Wow, autocorrect really fucked me on this one. Point still stands.
you aren't even potty trained, pajeet.
Exactly like DGB
But unlike DGB (At 100 sats), this Bitch ain't got wings
I watched a guy buy 400k of link today.
I followed his address and he had 2mm dollars in link alone. I don't remember the exact amount, but it was 0.34% of the supply.
Talk about a fucking whale. He could have cashed out, but nope still accumulating.
What the actual fuck
You seriously didn't buy TRAC did you? Its not even a coin that biz would waste their time even reading about. Reddit absolutely loves this project and there are no threads earlier talking about TRAC because literally no one gives a fuck. It is a ran-jeet run supply chain RFID piece of shit project that will get burned by every other supply chain project. I want to see you lose money so buy TRAC and don't buy something useful like LINK.
Just think. He bought 400k+ of LINK around 2PM EST.
And in total after he held 0.34%
Not even a full 1.00%
Just look around at some of those etherscan addresses and see who the big fish are, where they go, how often they buy/sell, etc.
Look mam I posted eeet gan
someone somewhere just bought a stick of deoderant
Sergey cashing out to pay for booze, blow and prostitutes
I am skull? Kek
No need to both lie and be rude.
chainscam and ETH are nothing alike
Why would it be?
The release of the alpha was like 3 weeks ago