Ok anons, I've got a few minutes, ama
Other urls found in this thread:
Larp kys
Fake news. No announcement
What should I do brah? Should I sell all my other coins for a loss and put it into AMB?
Btc breaking 11.5k? Rhanks bro.
I love you Swissbro. AMB and PRL were gold. Gold.
Depends - if they get their act together, perhaps $20-30. SXSW would be a good time to launch announcements, but my guess is that they're not ready to announce anything major. Lots of dev work remains to be done, and stakeholder trust is hard to recover.
Bull run should start in the next month. Things will probably be a bit choppy for a week because we're still in price discovery mode.
Yeah, how, who, do we talk to to get Swiss citizenship?
And roughly how much $$ are we talking here to immigrate?
What is xrp going to go up to this week?
you're welcome-AMB is doing everything right
hello swissbrah, from austria here will move to swiss some day, your goverment does everything right which is wrong in the rest of europe
When will wanchain list?
He is a fake swissbro you braindead faggots
Good luck...if you're not fabulously wealthy, the best option is to come as a student and try to find work. You can also get married to a citizen. Otherwise, you're looking at at least 10 years before you can apply. Easier to get economic citizenship in Malta, Portugal, and move to Switzerland.
Aaaaawwwh fake Swissbro? ... wait you’re implying there’s a real Swissbro. I thought they were all Larps
there's a lot of chatter about coinbase listing, but nobody, and I mean nobody is talking. we hold some
EOS - what's the scoop?
Are you still recruiting people to research ICOs ?
Swissbro , what do you think about Cindicator? I heard hedge funds are buying quite a bit
because we only allow the best to govern...despite what politicians say on the outside, everyone is on the same page behind the scenes...currently they are very bullish on attracting high-calibre crypto projects. in two years or less, we will be the place to be for anything related to crypto. people are becoming a bit wary of chinese projects, so i think we'll see teams migrate here and recruit swiss advisors/devs in order to regain credibility.
Thoughts on REQ? Appears to have found a bottom and there are a few announcements this month.
How can I become a solidity dev?
I've been teaching myself online but how would I go about securing a job in that field?
Got an economics background and few years experience coding in C/Python
Real Swissbro stacks his answers from different people into the same post. No so here. I smell a fakeswissbro
1.swissbro doesn't call himself swissbro
2. swissbro has a tripcode
3. swissbro posts in his telegram before posting here
4. Swissbro uses different images each post
5.Swissbro said he wouldn't post until the market is back on its feet again
You are a larp of a larp
predictive analytics will be big...
What do you think of Qash and Fun?
FUN needs to get a Remote Gambling Software License...if it does, it will moon.
What about QASH?
QASH is great
You think ICX will run once regulation settles in South Korea? It got hit hard in the bear market recently
What will happen first? BTC hitting $100k or REQ hitting $3?
What is the telegram name?
icx is an easy moon...probably q2-3...2018 will be a great year
swissbro.. you seem to be fairly positive about most coins posted. why do you think ICX will moon? what coins do you see having a rough year and why?
mogscht uns mol ebbes uf schwiizerdütsch erzähle?
(do you like to tell us something in swiss-german mouthart)
If not -> LARP
read my earlier threads. i talk about icx a lot
What are your thoughts on EOS swiss bro. you said you liked Larimer. Is he the golden goose or what
Wämmer eis go ziie?
oversold...he's a force to be reckoned with
Is coss going to be big this month? They've got a couple announcements on the way I hear, thinking of getting in this week.
alla gut, eins geht immer nei. (nordallemanne hier)
swiss confirmed
Thoughts on jelurida coins? ARDOR/NXT/IGNIS. I feel like theyve bottomed out and have a decent chance of doing pretty well in the upcoming bull market.
How far is credits gonna go? Is it a billion dollar market cap coin?
I lived in geneva for a few years as a kid. still decent at french, no idea what the fuck career/master's degree I should go for to try and move back there. truly a great place. maybe AMB will pave the way lol
If you aren't able to use the resources available to search the archives, you don't deserve to find it. We don't want it spammed continously here.
have to go anons, will leave you with this...still standing by amb icx wtc sky prl flash pasc ...wildcards to look into these guys 4new.io as well as mana
Swissbro hasn't made an announcement, this thread is bullshit