Who else here on biz is getting fucked by child support?
Who else here on biz is getting fucked by child support?
>Having Children
Shiggy Diggy
>he fell for the uterine jew
You should habe gone gay user. No children,no child support, no financial leaches, no alimony, no killing yourself after ypu get financially ruined by divprce courts, spend all your time with a total bro who you have sex with
I honestly don't see why any logical man would get married in 2018, the risk is too high.
Child support is independent of marriage
Plant some drugs somewhere on her property and send an anonymous tip to the cops. Sorry you got swindled by a roastie, user. Fuck child support.
Women are constantly depreciating assets
Never married, I'm 32 with two children.
At the height of Child support, it was costing $3400/month
Because I went from a 240k/year to unemployed, child support are trying to say I have the "capacity to earn" that sort of income
>not realizing 3D is PD
You were warned, user. Why didn't you listen?
That's such bullshit.
Its crazy. Its not even my ex pushing for it.
The way the government sees it, the more the ex pays the less handouts they have to give out.
This is why I got into crypto using cash through Localbitcoins
Should've married a Christian woman, OP.
Was she getting assistance even with $3400/month? Either way, just the fact that you have to pay child support even when you're unemployed or face prison is ridiculous.
>father can't pay child support
>builds up debt
>mother requires government assistance
>government throws father in jail
>government now paying for BOTH father and mother/child
>father released with more debt
The logic is so retarded.
>implying a christian woman won't cuck you just like any other would
>implying you won't owe alimony, in addition to child support, when you leave her for cucking you
She was still getting a fraction even with the 3.4k/m. Now because I'm unemployed the government pays more.
On top of that, shes earning 80k/y. Disappointing when I see the kids and they aren't wearing gold plated clothing
That's why you lease them.
I would rather call them liabilities.
When did user go from being atheist to being Christian?
Some niggas pack viagra. Others pack a 9mm and an ak47 in the trunk.. Real niggas trade crypto, fuck hoes, and pack the morning after pill. Fuck a child support. That bitch is eating the pill or having an accident. Her "choice".
Why the fuck is that cunt getting child support or government assistance for that matter. I thought that was for poor people. What a bitch
>he fell for the wife and family meme
Getting married when almost half of marriages end in divorce is basically asking to pay child support
You deserve it OP for thinking that you were an outlier
>Should've married a Christian woman, OP.
This. More specifically a Catholic who goes to church on sundays
Retard got cucked before he even had a chance to get married lmfao. How good did that pussy feel, OP? Was it worth it HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yeah, the aids are worth it
AIDS is easily treated nowadays so I'd say it's worth it
This is about the government screwing over the system they created
Thanks Mr perfect.
I must be alone on Veeky Forums in thinking it is pointless to make it without children to leave your gains with once you die.
In my mind "making it" is having enough money to ensure my descendants can live as modern day aristocrats for generations. There isn't much point in making more money than I can ever spend without kids.
>are aids pills cheaper than child support?
or you could just be a virgin like me, it's free
Should have married a virgin woman OP. (Although, does that still exist on the west?)