Ethersark getting a major update tonight as per the devs,
Just listed on
Been promoted all day in multiple telegram and discord’s that it was updating tonight! It’s going to fucking blow, limited animals being released tonight GET UR SHIT READY
1 minute fuckers bump!
Alright, gotta admit, the dinosaurs bit was cool!
wasnt expeting the dinosaurs lol
these dudes are slick
Gimme dat dosh
Who's she?
gotta get me some new dinosaurs
Velociraptor what? Noahs ark didnt have no dinosaurs. Still gonna buy it though
Where tha whales at? RIGHT here dawggggggggggggggggggg
My bdy is rdy for this. get on the ship oiz
made 300 eth on this shit last night
big if true
this game is so baller lol
Huge if true and makes me a minnow. Only made. 5 while I slept
it's true. they added them. holy fuck. does this game actually not suck? i'm STILL making ETHER off of this fucking thing
The dinosaurs are cool, but it feels a bit off?
bought a bunch, and they got bought from me. looks like they're paired to mate so once they do we might have new dinos
I'm gonna breed friggin Jurassic park over here
go hard and win hard
Buy buy buy ... bumping this to the mOOOOOOn
this game is going to moon
pajeet project... scam...avoid this
Stay poor dumbass. ETH games are the new PRE ICO sales. $$ FLIP MODE SQUAD $$
lost 1eth on this pajeet project
this shit is scam and im keepin bags now!@
u pajeet shilling this shit just to scam ppl?????
fact. I stay unironically stacking paper off of these.
FUDSTERS all over...they are scared. this is gonna be ugeeeeeeeeeee
this game will be huge by summer
this game won't EXIST by summer
or spring
That's what they said about cryptokitties...
It will be huge by next week. I'm doubling 5 ETH on the salty no gamers. Lmao.
lol 5 eth. you'll make some ETH off of me pleb.
you're lucky we haven't even stepped in yet. I'm going to buy every single fucking animal on this gay site.
It's smart to buy them early.
Thank you so much for your donation, senpai.
> whale brags about how much eth people make off of selling him pets
whales ball out of control with these games though so i'm not hating. i just feel like a retard trying to stack like 2 ETH max. is that possible?
so everyone just buys the new animals, what about the old ones?
mfw bag hodling some shit picture
> is stacking 2 ETH possible?
Ever seen crypto kitties? That site made millionaires.
From what I have seen and heard this game is going to be improved and marketed around the Internet.
Ether's Ark has $500k in seed funding. This is the beta.
What's stacking?
Buying pets and selling them for big ETH gains
Easy enough. Is .5 ETH enough to make a few Ether? That's what I'm seeing in the Discord. I'll unironically give it a shot. Money is money.