I went to a crypto traders meetup in Seattle on friday, and one of the big names that people were bullish on was NANO. The others were people saying to just buy and hold BTC, ETH, ADA, and a few other shitcoins.
I never looked into Nano, and they've doubled up in a week. Tech in theory is a BTC killer, and there are applications adopting them now (Twitch etc.)
But then I come here and it's a fucking shitcoin meme. Who do I believe?
For reference, I'm in:
>ADA 50% >ETH 20% >AMB 10% >BTC 10% >VEN 10%
Should I drop ETH/BTC/AMB/VEN for Nano?
Brandon James
Also I have no idea what I'm doing. I bought BTC and ETH for lulz last year, and it blew up, and don't want to cash out.
Cooper James
what meetup user? i did not hear about any meetup in seattle?
Luke Adams
bullish because they own some. nano itself isnt anything special, its just yet another DAG coin, only this one has terrible distribution.
maybe when we see a true dag coin thats mineable, and decentralized with a good launch like monero, we'll see it atcually get used for payments. but until then, all the current DAG coins just arent attractive to use for payments, and have no users or support, just speculators getting the most out of it before second layers render them useless
Logan Turner
Crypto Traders of Seattle, or something like that. It was last friday, on meetup.
Pretty interesting, large group, all ages/races, probably 85% male. People who were new, and a couple guys who were trading since 2011. Lots of topics, too. Best part was this PotShop owner who went off on WW3 IMMINENT rant. He was actually pretty cool though.
Nolan Powell
Nano is everything that people want Bitcoin to be. However, Bitcoin can never be Nano. When people get into cryptocurrency and the idea of it, they imagine a coin like Nano, not Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is to cryptocurrency like AOL is to the internet.
5 Years from now Bitcoin will be long gone and Nano will be the next chadcoin.
Thomas Phillips
Japanese owned coin, i wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole. Not to mention the "other" issues.
Angel Stewart
But why Nano and not one of the other coins that want to do the same thing? LTC, ADA, etc.
Kayden Kelly
mineable dag?
Adam Green
Whats wrong with JPN coins?
Michael Myers
Because nano is free. Do you know how many fucking normies I had to explain that it costs money to send bitcoin? People think bitcoin and go "Oh I thought was just numbers on a server like the banks do it"
Nano is going to be huge believe it or not.
Anthony Myers
coinbase ceo likes nano coinbase co founder likes nano
William Thomas
Why would any cryptocurrency be worth having if it doesnt have 'fees'. Think about it, why would you want to pay a fee? to who? it doesn't protect your transaction.
In real life, you pay a fee with money BUT that fee entitles you to get a refund if you get scammed. you get none of those protections with cryptos.
If LTC were to be as popular as BTC the fees would be just as high. The reason they are not is because it is not as popular that is why the fees are low (for now).
Caleb Allen
The whole point of crypto is it removes all middle men so who are you paying a fee to?
Also, nano is infinitely scalable since the sender/receiver do the mining.
Isaac Butler
Well, I'll go over all the Veeky Forums fud I've seen:
> muh no smart contracts / dapps "do one thing and do it well" feeless and instant transactions have a niche, and a very large one too. > muh node incentive there are already enough nodes running for the network to run smoothly and this is increasing by the day. the incentive is obvious: if you're a business and accept nano, it allows you to secure your own transactions (and help keep the network strong!) > muh spam attacks go on then, spam the network cunt if it's so easy. I fucking dare you. > muh bitgrail shitty exchange, nothing to do with the coin/devs > muh Zack Shapiro endorsed bitgrail nope, he was being mislead by bomber like everyone else. he's not fucking psychic, he couldn't predict what happened
probably missed some, but there you go.
buy in now or FOMO in later.
Tyler Diaz
Dont forget the VISA shills >i got muh visa why would i use nano
the amount of stupidity is unreal
Jeremiah Nguyen
What's the incentive to run a node? Other than "community goodwill" which is fine for Linux ISO seeds or hipster music but not for the fucking payment infrastructure of the planet.
Hudson James
>Best part was this PotShop owner who went off on WW3 IMMINENT rant topkek, post video
Jaxon Scott
I wish I had one. It was pretty funny. Him and some old lady were hyping the WORLD BANKING SYSTEM AS WE KNOW IT WILL COLLAPSE, FIAT WILL ALL GO TO ZERO, CRYPTO WILL BE NEW PARADIGM. They were also the two who were dead set that BTC will never die, all new coins will be 2nd/3rd/shit tier forever.
But they were actually cool people, I talked to them after. And being a debbie-downer, anti-world order/banks are evil is par for the course up here in the Pac NW.
Leo Roberts
>bitgrail was a scam >kucoin is a scam WHERE THE FUCK DO I BUY
Oliver Wilson
Very unsecure coin.
Benjamin Young
Juan Rivera
And use my ref or you're a faggot
Cameron Morales
all objective arguments against this coin are meaningless nano will perform a massive normie fueled bullrun this year regardless of any logic you throw at it
..i can feel it lads this is trx and xlm all over again. hop on or stay cucked, $100 eom
Nathaniel Rogers
>a true dag coin that’s mineable The absolute state of nano fudders. Also the captcha distribution was fine.
Henry Jackson
Where are people even getting the Japan thing when it’s American devs, most nodes are in the West and captcha distribution went mostly to poor South Americans who then immediately sold it? What group is trying to push this idea suddenly? It’s not even like normal FUD (for example, claiming that an exchange failing meant the coin itself was failing) since at least that usually links back to SOMETHING real.