Let's buy these things all up. I made like fuckin $800 bucks selling this shit during their rush last night. LEGGGGGGO.
They got good rewards too
Let's buy these things all up. I made like fuckin $800 bucks selling this shit during their rush last night. LEGGGGGGO.
They got good rewards too
lmao dinosaurs
fucking sick buying the trex. is there one? i was flippin animals last night
this game is going to blow up dudes
Comfy game is comfy game.
I literally love my pets and get mad when someone buys them from me.
dino dino! lol these guys do it right
i count 8 dinosaurs no trex unfortunately
trex should be in there
Tfw when no pc to play sick ether pet game... be poor us army fag who trades crypto from android. Hope your having fun bro's
git ether newb
and where's the t-rex assholes
Ether games are for girls and weebs but I'm going to play this one.
>implying making easy ETH is something girls and weebs do
you forgot to switch IP faggit
You know how these games work right? Everyone who plays them promotes them.
This one is gaining team. That's why I'm litearlly all in and am about to double 5 ETH
no shit. why are you only flipping 5 eth pussy
Ok it's settled. I'm going to make this game my bitch and buy animals from you poor fags.
I talked to the dev on Discord and they really are going to do big marketing soon and get tons of new players and shills.
I'm about to spank this game. Fake whales btfo
Ether's Ark has $500k in seed funding. They said this is the beta and it cost them $200 to make.
The rest is for marketing.
Do the math.
Anyone not going all in on Ether's Ark is going to stay poor and they deserve to.
and that's an actual fact
lmao prove it