What are the applications of toruses?

What are the applications of toruses?

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what are the applications of a cube though?

It's a compact manifold that is flat.

they go good with coffee idk what do u want us to say

Ummmm... Tires?

Fusion reactor

Fluid couplings.The flow within one is toroidal.

Isn't a toroidal solenoid good at acceleration


Several applications in engineering, for example cock rings.


>a coffee cup goes good with coffee


Particle accelerators
Rubber o-rings
Never-ending waterslides


Torus is the first when it comes to harvesting the fruits of his labor. They love everything that is good and beautiful, and they are often surrounded by material pleasures. People born under the torus sign are very sensual and tactile. Touch is extremely important for them, both in business and in romance. Stable and conservative, torus is among the most reliable signs of the zodiac. Stubbornness is a trait that is forcing him to expel things to the end, in order to comply with the standards.
As an earth sign, torus can be overprotective of their loved ones. They are great in making money and they will stick to their projects until it is successfully completed.
Bulls are often known for their stubbornness, but it can also be interpreted as a complete commitment to the execution of tasks. This makes them excellent workers and great friends, because they are always there, no matter what.
Their ruling planet Venus, represents love, attraction, beauty and creativity. Thus, torus can be an excellent cook, entertainer and artist. He is loyal and doesn't like sudden and unwanted changes.

It's useful for storing memes


RPG world maps

Toroidal Capacitors

toroidal inductors?



literally just doing math problems

top kek

also, those things are great, highly recommend


What the fuck, why?


Your body is a torus.

Jrpg world maps.

coffee cups

a torus is a square with opposite sites glued together, so arises naturally when considering doubly periodic functions

Plasma weaponry projectiles


I cast summon animal level 3.

goes well with coffee

Diophantine approximation. Cf Furstenberg

cock ring.


do you mean to tell me you haven't studied donut analysis yet?

Elliptic curves are tori

Elliptic curves

""Every"" surface of genus g is homeomorphic to the connected sum of g-tori.

Well you can make a cup and donuts with them. I get them mixed up though.

>drinking coffee from a glass

Gentiles detected.

Karnaugh Diagrams in boolean algebra

t. CE

>your glass has a handle

The Van Allen belts are toroidal

Not with o-rings apparently