Still holding WTC?
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The fuck is WTC
The jew did it
Waltoncucks BTFO lol
This shitcoin is done
Lol what ever happened to that faggot who would post this picture of walton to shill walton and shit on VEN. Where are you faggot?
PhD never tested a real Walton RFID. It's impossible to take his opinion seriously.
> I haven't seen Waltonchain's tech in action
> I haven't seen it with my eyes
>Impossible to take Vlad Trifa seriously about RFID.
Nigga do you know who this fucker is? He LITERALLY invented this shit and is the CPO at Ambrosus
Weak fud.
I’ll hodl.
WTC just got BTFO yet again
WTC is literally vaporware. They have ZERO released code, and have demonstrated their tech to NO ONE. they showed a few RFID chips to a youtuber and that's IT.
don't fall for things that seem too good to be true. WTC is too busy with empty partnerships and marketing ploys, but there is ZERO evidence they have working tech.
i would 100% rather trust Vlad Trifa on this one
Then again, he's an officer at AMB so he could just be fudding. Dude practically INVENTED IoT but that doesn't mean he knows everything and could be totally disingenuous with half truths that have kernels of truth.
Have you seen the shit their doing with RFID tech at Auburn? Shit not only can broadcast units of data but it can auto-locate itself and to a lesser extent orient itself to nearby RFID units. More importantly RFID tagged supply will be locatable from birth to abortion. This is important to Burger-land because items manufactured in shit-tier countries are counterfeited quickly and sold to importers. This shit is cool as fuck and WTC is ahead of the game. Sorry Ven-Fags.
>only 4 partnerships on the website now
>best tech
cant make a website
>Lashes out at Ven when it's a guy from AMB
Join the RFID leader Walton cucks before your shitcoin main net gets delayed AGAIN this time next year Walton won't exit screen cap this
>thinking a coin in the top 100 could be a scam in 2018
were there more?
Chinky shitbags
The magical rfids that have a battery, processor, motherboard, and the ability to access the internet for 5 cents a piece?TOP KEK LADS
WTC threads have always been ignored on here. the Fud the past week or so has just made me sink 5btc into what might be vaporware, but seems to me that all the negativity coming out; that this is seriously profitable opportunity. risk to reward is there.
tldr: I bought because do OPPOSITE of what BIZ says. ANS all over again. xx
Link is in the top 100
Dumped my WTC after they got caught faking contests and logging into their wrong twitter account.
Got into VEN and ETH from my WTC stack.
Always do the opposite of what BIZ says, they shill tron and link and all those other stupid ass coins and nothing happens, they used to fud ven before it rose to nearly 8 bucks and I rode that fucking wave and then when they started shilling ven I sold ASAP.
Legit, just do the opposite lol. Buying more WTC atm.
glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. fade biz every time.
Be careful with WTC. Sometimes the FUD is deserved and this is one of those times.
>Buying any supply chain coin except AMB at current valuations
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
How far can AMB moon in the next month or two? I have 100k right now.
Kim Sukki
Korean, South Korea's electronics industry leader, Doctor of Engineering (graduated from the University of Minnesota), Professor of Korea University, previously worked at Bell Labs and Honeywell USA, served as vice president of Samsung Electronics, senior expert in integrated circuit design field, IEEE Senior Member, Vice President of the Korea Institute of Electrical Engineers, Chairman of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association. Has published more than 250 academic papers with more than 60 patents.
Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips.
Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.
I dumped all my WTC for VET, AMB, and TRAC.
nope they buried themselves
Just because their western marketing department fucked up does not mean its over, thats just fud talking. As their blockchain is a mix of eth/dash their mining/staking rewards will be similar to dash rewards, and that is crazy high rewards. This is a clear case of buy the dip.
I dislike waltonchain intensely and consider it an utter shitcoin for several good reasons
1)Anyone can put a wallet ID in an RFID. I don't need their token or want it.
2)See 1
That being said their are active RDID that have a powersouce and can broadcast. I look after one place that uses RFID on forklifts and pallets of construction materials that look similar but have different fire resistance etc as a double check against mis labelling
On the technology.
Its very simple. Pick a wallet ID, pick a blockchain, on detect open a socket and transmit co--ordinates as a value in the wallet. Done. Depending on blockchain stuff in a description and other product data. I don't particularly need it. Like RFID it has limited useful applications. The token is literally worthless. Any large company has a dev team that can turn out a private blockchain and dump rfid data into it but beyond that who gives a fuck. Consumers do not have rfid detectors and most SME warerhouses don't use it because its simply not worth it. It might have value in a totalitarian regime like china where the government decided to chip people like animals but that has zero chance of being adopted in the US or EU and will be more a status symbol of how shit china is. Please note no token is required. .To add to the pain their is absolutely nothing effectively stopping me taking an RFID and sticking it on a counterfeit
5. How much testing has been done in real companies who have opted for integration of WTC to see if it will be long term beneficial?
R: Up to now, many companies such as Tries, Joeone, SMEN in the apparel industry, Kehua, Lipson plastic in the manufacturing industry and Xiangyu group in the warehouse industry have applied for our WTC & RFID integration system. What is impressive is that all of them have benefited a lot by integrating our system! Compared to before integration, their yield rate has increased by 1.2%, the stock turnover increased by 5.8%, the distribution efficiency has improved by almost 100%, and the inventory efficiency almost tripled in their stores
Obviously it’s venjeets pushing this fud.
Does a "Western marketing team" use Chinese-style punctuation . ?
But oftentimes biz will shill and fud at the same time. Wat do then?
>the stock turnover increased by 5.8%,
I don't see the relationship between that and RFID. Sorry . Out of curiosity I did a search for SMEN and fount nothing. So lets say its an RFID solution company. Which it is.
In 2020, the global market for RFID tags is projected to be sized at around 24.5 billion U.S. dollars
The vast vast majority of this belongs and will belong to RFID tag manufacturers and system installers. The big players are RFID solutions are Impinj (US), NXP Semiconductors (Netherlands), Alien Technology (US), and Avery Dennison (US), and many many others all of which have been in the RFID space for a long time.
Waltonchain has not. They have NOTHING that cannot be immediately cloned by one of the companies above in a month. Any RFID tag manufacturer can cut them out at any time
Go through their subreddit
Maximum fucking cope kek
That xpdeveloper and vferr guy posts
It’s scary how mentally ill they sound
okay its pretty clear WTC is a massive actual scam, not just a "teehee we're incompetent" scam
the distribution efficiency has improved by almost 100%, and the inventory efficiency almost tripled in their stores.
That was all from their trial run with Waltonchain RFID.
>Out of curiosity I did a search for SMEN and fount nothing
>They have NOTHING that cannot be immediately cloned by one of the companies above.
Its patented, thats why you dont see Ven or any other company using the same tech.
But youll see by the end of the month when mainnet is out.
Mainnet is coming Dec '17.
Id bet my you a million dollars they delay main net AGAIN ;)
Lmao seriously. You know this is an amazing buying opportunity when this is the first time in like fucking months where I’ve seen so many wtc posts
You do know at the end of this month when Walton’s mainnet drops they will drop with 6 functioning child chains? Meaning 6 companies will already be using Walton... as in real world adoption?
isnt he just being an overly pedantic about their specific language chosen?
You fucken shills have forced my hand, im going to look into this shitcoin tonight