Super oldfag here.I'm going to sell at midnight. This is your only warning. Buy the dip and good luck
Me too whales everywhere are about to dump it down to 3k
plz dont ruin my nestegg :(
nothing personal op but im dumping 200 btc in about 20 minutes
Post timestamp, and exchange.
Get fucked.
Thanks just sold 120k
This, sharpie on the computer screen.
what time zone are you in?
>Be Whale
>Decide now is a great time to arbitrarily dump all of my bitcoin because hey, why not?
I have 200ish btc so I'm not a whale but I'm getting scared I cannot cash out with decent level unless I do it now. I'd be amazing to see btc at 12k, but it just seems that it is not happening. The first big selloff will trigger all the stop losses and it will be a fucking bloodbath. It wont recover from 11100 twice
>be whale
>be sperm whale
Nice, just bought 100k
So many fucking red flags when you dump.. Can't even imagine. You know your bank is on the phone with SEC and IRS the moment that wire happens.
Eastern time zone.
I can just pay my taxes and live off it.
I know inspect element too
Youre wrong
even though btc is going to 15k+ and OP is stupid
If i had a billion bitcoin i would sell too
Nice inspect element faggot
Likely LARP, but if it's true, I'd be so happy.
can I have 5 bitcoins before you go all wild bill on the crypto west?
i make less than 10k a year
Who gives a fuck? Not illegal to make money you stupid nigger.
In all seriousness, if you're a real early adopter whale, you don't want to deposit a shit load of your bitcoins to an exchange lest they want to freeze it for "investigation"
thanks, just bought 100k
OP, can I have one of those bitcoins to try and make it as a poorfag?
OP if you are for real, can you please post more evidence?
user what did u do with all your bch?
He might have just transferred it. Guys should I tether up
stop it JC
OP, if you really have all that dosh, send a few BTC to those who post their wallets in this thread as proof. Even 5-10BTC would be a mere drop in the bucket for you. If you do this I'll sell everything.
No, you don't get it. When you deposit a suspiciously huge amount of bitcoins, an exchange might want to freeze it suspecting that you're some kind of a hacker or money launderer, in which case you'll have to prove the origin of the funds. I can totally envision this scenario, which is why I doubt that actual old bitcoin holders do it en masse.
don't send these fucking bums anything op
make a paper wallet and video yourself burning that shit and laughin at their tears
why are you selling?
But look at the price of btc and the date. Unless he pro shopper, btc was at 11463 on binance not too long ago.
Don't worry anons, if this faggot dumps I'll pump.
Who the fuk are you, user? Usd1.4B really?
why is the number dislodged to the left, can you post a picture from camera? harder to shoop.
no lol
there is no way you control that many bitcoins on one account
they are on exchange
Enjoy getting your BTC forzen ;)
if this is real and you do dump you will unironically trigger this years bull run
kys retard
he edited the html retards
Check it out, user figured out Chrome developer tools.
op is satoshi nakamoto
Also an oldfag, just not as old as you. Basically just a holder and have been to scared to trade, which actually worked fine, because I got in so damn early. Pulling out now, not as great as when BTC was 20k, but regardless I'm set for the rest of my life. I wasn't really planning on doing it today, but fuck it. Midnight it is!
Stay clear anons unless you want to get fucked. Not tether clear, but fiat level clear unless you want to get ultra burned.
fuck it, if you guys are down i'm in too.
market selling 98,321 BTC at midnight on etherdelta
how many cryptofags you think we gon make suicide?
Can’t wait to see how these whales affect the market
God speed whalelords
Following suit and selling my 12,090 BTC stash at midnight, thx for the heads up desu
Fuck it lol as good a time as any I guess. Got an even 30,000 (and around 600 eth) so I'll be selling on gemini at 11:50 or so I don't get fucked by you guys lol
Why not tether? Genuinely asking
can someone explain why you would teather out? Wouldn't teather clapse also as in it can no longer back it's own $ value?
Kraken always displays currency values like that, see for yourself.
Price crash will have tons of people pulling out of tether to sell to fiat, Bitfinex (tether) may not be solvent if everyone decides to cash out at once. Price goes to sub 25 cents quickly
nice larp, you can't even take more than 46k out from your account shitlord
Hey, I've been surfing the web for a hacker. Mind helping me out with a job?
Fuck i didn't want to do this so early but fuck IM SATOSHI NAKAMOTO and im going to liquidate everything tonight since everyone is doing it
1 millon BTC
Don't start the party without me boys. I have 890000 NEO and I'll market sell it all tonight.
Proove it. Post privat key!
>Best Red Velvet Cak...
What's that
I’m ready
omg put me in the screencap xD
Also in case anyone can't figure it out, if op is larp he shooped and took pic oft PC.
Hum... not the first time I have seen the start of something on Veeky Forums but on Veeky Forums it will be my first
987,000 eth here will market sell in 5 minutes. This is your only warning. Buy the dip and good luck.
Hell yeah my dude. Also don't do it in batches, market sell it all at once so you fill some crazy low buys at like 3 sats. Yeah you won't get your money's worth but that shit will be funny as fuck
You betcha brother
10GORILLION LINKS HERE. Didn't really want to do this but I guess we can cleanse this board with a wave of mass suicides.
yeah fuck it. ive got 100 million satoshis and going to market dump at 11.28 est so sell now
Thanks just sold 100K bitcoins
Help me out?
Thanks just bought your 100k bitcoins
For one
If you guys do pull this off and isnt a larp how much do you think it will affect the price?
What program are you running to monitor your mem usage (in the top bar)?
>I'm gonna sell at midnight
>Me too, lets all dump at the same time
>me also
no one discusses timezone. larp
You have 10 seconds to give me one good reason why you aren't investing in this man.
drop down to 2k
That much market sold would be the biggest flash crash in the history of bitcoin. Because he would initiate other whales into dumping to. It could honestly bring it down to $100 or lower. It would go back up quickly. But it would level out far lower than people would expect.
OP said Midnight EST (1 hour to go)
oh okay hope it happens, and is not a dump and pump
>hope it happens
Do you have fiat ready?
Please keep this thread alive I want to piss all over you when the price is still unaffected at 12 midnight.
The next few hours are CRITICAL for bitcoin.
the next 50 minutes are critical
was gonna go to bed looks like im staying up a bit later now...
>you don't want to deposit a shit load of your bitcoins to an exchange lest they want to freeze it for "investigation"
does this actually happen and is it legal?
We are in the wild wild west here. ''legal''
if OP delivers, include me in the screencap.
What exchange is OP's screenshot?
Whale here as well.
I'm going to go all in and dump 100k BTC with you guys.
What price is the dip sir?
just sold 100M
Thanks just went long x100 leverage
Won't dump until you buy.
Should be happening in 20 minutes since OP is Eastern time