
>be me
>be at the end of high school
>need to pass the final exam
>I need to pass these exam with 10 or 9 to reach at good university
>The only problem is that fucking biology

How in the hell can I or should I study all this stuff. There's no logic in biology, to be honest, nothing. You just need to fucking memorise all this crap.

I'm good at math, and I will pass with perfect score, but I'm afraid I will fail to this shit and I will fuck my life.

Is there, at least 1 method how could help me to understand this "science".

>You just need to fucking memorize all this crap.
So fucking memorize it. Bio is easy mode. Especially fucking high school biology.

nothing you can do, really. just memorize it and maybe make some pictures so you can deceive yourself into thinking you have an intuitive understanding of it

No logic in biology? Bro, unless you're doing taxonomy that's complete bs

Everything revolves around food and reproduction.
Everything is mostly conserved with slight tweaks from molecules utilized for chemical reactions, genetic information and body parts.
Evolution is the change in the frequency of alleles (look up Hardy Weinberg).
DNA encodes RNA encodes Protein.

High school bio is easy as fuck dude, what the hell. If you're having a problem memorising, then try to actually understand what you're reading and how it fits into the big picture. Understanding something makes it much easier to remember key facts about it than pure memorisation of words.

this is what I mean, do like this guy. you can fool yourself into thinking you understand the "sense" of it

fucking pleb. bio is just applied chem once you have a basic understanding of molecular/cell, there is sense to be made. sorry its not just 2+2 problems like in physics

>some stamps have arrows connecting them to other stamps!

hurr durr.
fucking moron

>biologist attempting to communicate

who claimed i was a biologist? i only claimed that you're a fucking moron

ebin meme xDD


I have that too.
We have also a problem with Mendelian inheritance. The only thing I can understand.

The exam program it's full with shit. From cells (Eukaryote - Prokaryote) into human diseases.
We need to learn some of them, and how we need to take care of them. The ecosystem too.
I won't learn the latin name of each plant or animal.

Compared contrast Eukarya and Prokarya (linear vs circular chromosome, introns + mRNA processing in Eukarya, compartmentalized organelles in Eukarya [Prokarya will utilize their cell membrane instead but otherwise all the same enzymes], size, etc.)

Same with human diseases. Compare/contrast along mode of transmission, virulence, penetrance, symptoms, target (cell/tissue), viral/bacterial/ or genetic?

It is a lot easier when you can reference things with each other rather than just memorizing empty facts.


What is this image trying to convey? I'm confused.

>I won't learn the latin name of each plant or animal.
This is the first time I've heard anyone having to do this... Which country are you in? That sounds fucking horrible. I have never had to remember a single latin species name except for a few Homo ones. wow

>no logic in biology

Something must be the result of evolution. Think if an answer is evolutionarily plausible.

>throw chocolate milk into sink
>get b&

>throw mayonnaise into sink
>nobody cares


cinco de mayo

get it?

High school biology kinda sucks. Just memorize the shit, brot.

fuck bio my least favorite class i cant believe they made it mandatory to take

high school biology is a complete joke compared to college/university biology, at least in the US

how are you even worried about it

>why do I have to know the basics about living things?

you serious m8? Same idiot thinking as "I don't need math"


>was asked in no exam ever
>write down all parts of all bacteria known and unknown

Kys cringey highschooler