What are your go to coins for day/swing trading?

What are your go to coins for day/swing trading?

Aka stable medium with a very high standard of deviation

For me so far I have been using RLC and Vibe
anything else?


I have also tried ADX, not as good


She looks like a yummy girl next door

This coin looks promising
Also at a great location to buy

Doesnt exist
Try to stay on topic


Has about 8.5℅ changes every few days

how many rlc to give her the suck

i should have been day trading my small ammount of vertcoin this whole time, fuck

Where's her IG you cunts

What’s on her finger?does it go in pooper

She is genuinely not that expensive
What are the margins?

that's the wrong folder

I wanna dom the shit out of her then rub vitamin e oil on her scars.

Please stay on topic

it's a tentacle
what do women do with tentacles

how the fuck can you swing trade those when the daily volume is like 25 BTC? damn...

lmao what the fuck is wrong with her legs

Shes tiny
Decent percentage increases
Not that good

>walmart mirror
>shitty taste in music



>mirror propped up against the wall so its curvature makes you look tall


Did no one notice the buldging penis

>Try to stay on topic
really nigger?

>that hip/chest ratio

Is that a... penis?