SEED Group partnership confirmed some 14 hours ago
Price doing nothing so far
will continue to monitor
SEED Group partnership confirmed some 14 hours ago
Price doing nothing so far
will continue to monitor
People are waiting for the official confirmation of initial amount of capital being tokenised. If its a solid amount Then we moon
can't trust my money in the hands of arabs, had bad experiences there.
well we already got burnt with Jews and bancor.
The price did jump a bit but nowhere near as much as it should for this news, I think this info is still unknown. I'm expecting a lot more when they announce it and more info comes out
>the owner of seed group has 31 billion dollars
I'm comfy as fuck
They are going to tokenize 100M at absolute most.
However it's going to send the MCAP to 10X that because they will only hold a percentage of the supply.
They are also apparently running pilots with central banks.
I think we just made it boys
It's sad how little anyone cares about JNT.
That's the beauty of it, we don't need normies and neets to care about it hehe
fuck i'm not gonna get paid in time to get my 20K JNT before it's a dollar per token. this is legit torture.
Honestly you probably are. Despite what Talal says I doubt it will have huge growth before early April.
i need about 2 weeks user. i'm watching the chart like a fucking psychopath. hope btc stays sideways or dips even further. if i can get in and lock these jibbies away for a couple years i'll probably be set for a very long time
because it's not widely known yet even in the crypto space, the only people who know are probably jnt holders
I think it solidifys jibrel's authenticity though, makes me feel a big more certain about holding and it makes me consider buying more.
Just dumped bnt for jnt.
We Palestine now
You can calm down user. You really do have more than enough time.
i'm capping this and will post it along with every pink wojack on the internet if you're wrong. this is literally my meal ticket. a make or break situation.
fucking Christ user, how much are you in?
chill out
It's a bear market right now regardless. It's not likely to do more than a 2X on the announcement. Your real worry is the tokenization which isn't likely to start having an effect on the price before early April.
What is seed group?
It won't stay that way.
It will for a good while still. Which is better for accumulating.
front company for the UAE royal family
if i explained my situation to you you'd think it was a fucking LARP that's how fucked it is
Please do.
almost flat broke right now with 150K in debt due to law school. have a huge tort case lined up that will net me 500K+ but the fucking piece of shit won't settle. been working on it over 2 years now. stoned pizza delivery driver hit my client and his fiance while they were on a motorcycle and fucked them up badly. should settle sometime this year but i've been saying that for over a year so who fucking knows.
if that case settled i could buy 100K+ JNT and some other "safer" coins and just fucking sit on my ass for 2-3 years and there's a chance i'd end up rich as hell. instead i'm losing my shit every day thinking i'm gonna miss the crypto train. hate my job and genuinely want to gtfo.
i'm having to take out more loans just to get by. virtually no one will give me shit because the huge amount of debt and low income scares lenders away. none of them give a fuck about the fact that i'll have a shitload of money when the cases settle.
Nice blog. But sincerely I hope you make it. Peace
>be motorcycle rider
>put my gf on my small vehicle and go swerve through traffic
>stay in blind spot of cars then freak out when they brake
>go swerve through traffic some more
>inevitably get hit
>oh the guy that hit me works for a company?
> $$$$$$$$$$$$
Lol what if it doesnt settle, you piece of shit? What happens when it gets tossed and your firm gets forced to pay the legal fees?
Fucking parasites.
yeah i mean it's not the end of the world as obviously i'm still getting good money sometime soon. but fuck... having retirement-tier money from crypto at my age would be great. i'm not really trying to be richer than the next guy i just want to never have to work a bullshit job ever again and that takes a few million bucks.
>t. geico employee
you kikes never cease to amaze me
Yo at least you’re an attorney. I just took the bar and looking for employment. Shit, count your blessings bro.
>front company for the UAE royal family
ding ding ding. we have a winner.
I agree, fucking load of shit, motorcyclists should have to pay a large amount for insurance and cover them fucking selves. I nearly knocked one of the cunts over at 100kmh because he was sitting on my back corner and I swerved to avoid something lying on the road
you have opportunity to invest for next BIG thing at early stages at extended amount of time. what else you need? imagine you knew about eth when it was 3$. will you buy it only once, or you will get as much as you can during year-two to leverage future gains?
nigger this debt is no blessing and was a fucking retarded decision. took me 5 years just to get to a situation that i'd be in if i had been working at a fucking bookstore or some shit the entire time. after taxes and paying loans off i'll have something like 80K in the bank and that's just because by the grace of god i got a million dollar case, something that comes around maybe once in your career if you're a solo practitioner.
not fucking worth it for me man. if i could do it again i'd study cognitive science in school and get into AI. much cooler and that's where the money is going to be in the 2020's.
love how you fucking soyboys just make up a fact pattern and assume that's what must have happened. complete brainlet faggotry
how much of my money should i put in this bad boy
what is the absolute minimum for making it?
Nice blog, hope you make it.
No need for namecalling though, we are all JNTlmen here.
10K, hold for 1 year minimum and likely 2.
thanks user.
10K jibbies should be a comfy hold, 50-100K and you are set for life.
motorcycle user ,you'll be fine
no moon until tokenization
And what about my 400k?
I hope you have stong hands and look forward to the invite to your private island kek
Kek. So would you try later going back to school for AI/cognitive science? night school- as you take off the debt shackles.
what are your other holdings user? how'd you hear about JNT?
heyyyy it's 400k jnt marine
how you holding up?
i'm probably too old at this point but maybe. good luck getting a job user, lawyering isn't the worst just not for me. there's cool aspects to it and it is a nice status symbol for picking up roasties and shit
so you'Re saying they'll only do like a 40x from here?
Most of the stack came from the ICO. Heared about it back in oct, but the ICO was way too long to Invest back in Oct...finally invested around late nov / dec, when someone reminded me of JNT with a reddit article... something like 80 ETH.
ETH & XMR are my biggest holdings. Also got a lot of ICX, but the bags are getting heavy with it...
You’re only old to study if you accept faggotry. I plan to scrap up whatever pennies I get and put them into crypto. Fuck it or die trying
Im a bit surprised the legal industry hasn’t given 2 shits of blockchain or smart contracts. Fucking retards.
Guys, go to coindesk live channel NOW. Talal was beheaded 30minutes ago over some dispute. Crypto world is in complete shock. Other JNT staff being held by ISIS. wtf WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!
There is a guy around here with 500K too.