How to 10x my money?
Started with $40k, so already did it once, but this next 10x seems so much harder and more daunting. I'm fucking nervewracked every day.
Help me.
How to 10x my money?
Started with $40k, so already did it once, but this next 10x seems so much harder and more daunting. I'm fucking nervewracked every day.
Help me.
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Honestly mate just go all in on chain link
never gonna make it
This. Takes balls to make it.
Or go half amb, half link
Why 4 mill specifically? What will you do with the money?
1/8 link
1/8 icx
1/8 req
1/8 NEO
1/4 eth
1/4 btc
How about you put 360k in good dividend stocks that pays every quaterly?
You enjoy stress less life.
While you try to redo that 40k to 400k thing again.
If I make $4m, I figure I'll have to earmark half for taxes and misc fees, so I'll be left with slightly over $2m, which is the edge case for early retirement at a young age
Pick a project with solid fundamentals like a Decred or Monero.
But withdrawing 360k, is really like $200k after taxes. That's nothing! Then what if I do successfully turn $40k into $400k again - but then the bubble pops? Even if I sell at the top I'll just be left with $200k + $200k = $400k, and will be kicking myself for not having made the $4m (which would be $2m after tax)
>If I make $4m, I figure I'll have to earmark half for taxes and misc fees,
First, get an accountant.
Second, register for a business.
Your 400k amount, will be listed as asset.
Then every year you register your business as a loss of operation cost (after paying yourself and your family).
Save money through taxes.
Don't withdraw $360K a year
Withdraw like $40,000-$100,000 a year in long term capital gains and put it into stocks/bonds (depending on other income, having a high MAGI will cuck you if you withdraw too much)
Can you provide a link for details? Thanks!
But I'm not counting on the crypto bubble lasting longer than 1-2 years. Plan is to be 100% in until I reach the target of $4m to cover everything plus taxes, than withdraw it all out
long term capital gains tax would be nowhere near 50% of your earnings, assuming you wait a year to cash out.
this doesn't do anything, you still pay income tax when company pays you
i've done a lot of trades, so long-term capital gains doesn't apply
Set your portfolio today and don't cash out until next year, you absolute fucking retard.
>this doesn't do anything,
Yeah, but you're getting taxed at 15% instead of 30%.
>Can you provide a link for details? Thanks!
Buddy, Seriously. get an accountant. I am not even joking. Paying 100 to 300 bucks, is worth it. He'll guide you through the process.
I am just guy on the internet, but he'll give you great advice on how to manage your assets and avoid or reduce taxes depending on your state through loopholes.
What you said sounds like a loophole that not every accountant would engage in- most people who post about getting an accountant for crypto taxes never mentioned anything like this
same boat ....i just need to do 2 mill. which is 5x. do i need to change anything in my pf. honest feedback plz, dont shill u rbags
you're taxed the same, it doesn't matter if it is income from a company paying you or income from selling worthless bit coins, it's merely income that goes in the normal brackets
turboshill tau and prey it moons i guess
Depends. Are you willing to truly dyor if I give you a few tips or are you just looking to superficially look at something and dismiss it if the herd hasn't already pumped and approved it to the first page of CMC?
I you simply need a 5x, you're safest play is to put it into BTC and ETH. Very good chance BTC will 50,000k at some point.
Also you really should put like 50k into AMB the new Veeky Forums meme coin. Say what you will, but Veeky Forums meme coins always moon. Even that piece of shit LINK.
There are a lot of accountant that would because none of it is illegal.
Not really. If he is income sprinkling. He is objectively taxed less because he is distributing his wealth towards his (family) employees.
Since it's crypto, he only takes out when he needs the money. Pays himself and his family for operational cost. Then leaves the renaming amount without capitalizing it or switching assets to stocks or whatever. It's not counted as capital gains depending on the state. If not then he has slowly take it out by just by operational costs and pay his consultants (his hired family).
>Also you really should put like 50k into AMB the new Veeky Forums meme coin. Say what you will, but Veeky Forums meme coins always moon. Even that piece of shit LINK.
this is good point, i think lately amb and jnt become biz memes.
Just pretend like your still at 40k
It's the same process, you're just sweaty because you think it's alot of money
Hey Veeky Forums ... Should we tell him about Tuesday?
he could just sprinkle it anyway by them cashing out the bit coins, i see what you're getting at i'm just saying the company aspect isn't doing anything.
>Just pretend like your still at 40k
yes..i become to much protective after 300k. shit not moving from there. when it is below 50k i did not even cared. now i am refusing to do risk. not sure why
I don't want to do any funny business like sending cryptos to family members for them to cash out for me. Imaging if I'm audited, how would I explain that?
1/10 into LINK.
1/10 into PRL.
1/10 into JNT.
1/10 into REQ.
1/10 into ZRX.
The rest, probably put half of it into BTC/ETH just so you can catch sweet alts to buy the dip with. And the other half, do ICO/shitcoin plays.
This is the best way by far, I challenge someone to list a better way.
make your own coin and shill away
just focus on the 4 million OP
stop u r fuccking tax topic idiots. we did that zillion times and never ending. lets focus how to make 400k to 2 mill.
ICX should be on this list.
you already have to pay taxes for coin-to-coin transfers
just wait with the current coins you have NOW and wait until long term capital gains apply
for $100-$300 the only thing an accountant will do for you is file your taxes and discuss how much you have to pay
he won't set up a fucking corporation to funnel your taxes, lol
I went to an accountant, he just said "you have to pay this tax and that tax" and that's it - they're not miracle workers
I am not counting on it being there for more than 2 years either, but I have $1.5M - I cashed out $400,000 last year and paying $105,000 in taxes (federal and state)
I'm moving to a no income tax state and continuing to cash out $400,000 a year
if it lasts 2 years, I'll have gotten $1.2M out of crypto minus taxes - keeping some in (whatever that amount happens to be by that time) is fine enough
I'm retiring at around $1M in the bank and some amount of crypto. I can live in a cheap area on that just fine.
ICX is on my top 10 but I think we are in a platform bubble right now
what would be best picks beside platform coins?
>1/10 into PRL.
prl is shitcoin. usecase not worth. its literal pump and dump by pajeets
If you are trying to long-term hodl, then I suggest real usecase coins and tokens. AKA not PnD shitcoins; I listed 5 in my previous post.
LINK will be needed for the ChainLink oracle infrastructure.
PRL will be used for 64GB of yearly storage.
JNT will be a reflection of the total assets tokenized on the Jibrel platform.
REQ tokens will be used on the Request platform, with more being burnt.
ZRX is a no-brainer, all decentralized exchanges will eventually be 0x relayers, using ZRX as 'gas' to make transactions. KNC and BNT are competitors, my bet is on ZRX though.
You could also buy some of the centralized exchange tokens if you believe crypto will keep growing. Best bet is BNB, KCS, COSS, and whatever else pops up.
Not fleeing the country
Not paying for shit with buttcoin
Domain Token will 10x before it hits a penny. This is unironically a top 15 coin by 2019-2020.