why haven't you bought ADA yet user? do you want to be poor user? hahahahahahah
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it's a scam
hes a blubbering crybaby about Veeky Forums meanies, oh and he's fat, he'll clutch his chest before project takes off
Had a ~$30,000,000 market cap, can't build a fucking actual working product. Kek.
I bought EOS
you'll all be POOR if you don't listen to me now
Stupid Charles Hoskinson
*secretly accumulates more*
give me a quick rundown on ADA
nah. it's impossible for me to ever be poor.
>better than eth
>proof of stake
>has 2 ico's coming up
>is less than 50 cents
>CEO goes to Korea and Japan once a month
>ath was $1.30
now you choose for yourself user, do you want to stay poor or do you want to be rich?
?? show me proof buddy??
ADA doesn't need to be shilled. None of the projects with good teams do, really.
It's just a single user which started posting this yesterday, or a few days ago, but I agree with you. No amount of FUD or shilling here will affect Cardano's path, especially after Shelley is released in Q2.
> it's a scam
Sure, it is.
Only coin that does weekly updates, frequent independent audits, publishes research in academic journals, has EVERYTHING public on github.
Team is PhD researchers who spent their lives working on the fundamentals of cryptography and game theory.
"Scam" lol
Funny a crack team of engineers couldn't figure out how to create a flying machine but these 2 hipsters did.
Show me use cases. Show me a product. Change the world. Cardano is mental masturbation a loser project.
Lmao you fucking loser. If you're looking for a better ethereum then you're looking in the wrong place.
There is only one project that has an objectively better roadmap than ethereum in every way, and it's certainly not Cardano.
Hint: Vlad Zamfir connection.
Dyor your own research.
PS: Hoskinson is a useless brainlet sociopath leech and ADA better kick him out like Ethereum and Bitshares did.
No wonder the bitshares community thought ethereum was a scam when Charles snuck in for an early role. Fuck that guy. In the ass. With a spiky mace.
How high can this go