Tolstoy was right

Tolstoy was right

(OP cont.)

The thing about Shakespeare is that every single one of his characters is the wittiest, most brilliant human being on planet earth. Every single last one. They're all geniuses. They're all so fucking stagey. How can people stand it?

That's my real beef with Shakespeare.

(OP cont.)

People say Shakespeare was this brilliant character writer or some bollocks. It's plainly obvious he could only write one character: himself. Just so happens "himself" is this unbelivably brilliant and protean genius.

(OP cont.)

And what the fuck is up with all the puns? They drive me up the fucking wall.

Sour grapes.

>all his characters are so stagey

Wow, it's almost as if he was a playwright

Like how can people say that Shakespeare is their favourite author? Doesn't one's favourite author have to be something personal to you? Like with Shelley for me, because we are of the same sensibility. Whereas Shakespeare is so universal and impersonal you can't pin him down. How could that be anyone's favourite? Fucking weirdoes.

>The thing about Shakespeare is that every single one of his characters is the wittiest, most brilliant human being on planet earth.
fucking normies

No they're not. What nonsense.

Mate, he even has fucking gravediggers and coach drivers coming on and spitting straight fire with relentless wordplay out of thin air. He even has a deformed bastard monster like Caliban speak some of the most beautiful blank verse in English. The man just couldn't help himself.

And they all horribly flawed and awful people? Isn't that the point of most of his plays?

The plays were attended by plebs, so his plebian characters were designed to be awesome as well

Thank you, Wikipedia.

I feel like everyone in Beowulf is basically Gandalf because of the language they use. Are you sure you just aren't a pleb and can't follow fancy language?

Why is this a bad thing? Tudor era stage wasn't looking to capture reality, it was to put on a show worth people coming all the way to the theatre through shit covered streets with their precious pre-industrial time to escape life for a bit, nothing wrong with making people more eloquent for that

it's because i am an unbelivably brilliant and protean genius

In the end I guess it's basically the renaissance sensibility of having to show off ALL THE FUCKING TIME. The same disease afflicts Marlowe and Spenser. The inferiority complex they inherited from the classics.

I suppose I'm much more of a Romantic.

He really was. The way in which Shakespeare's characters speak is just so unrealistic, no matter the time period. It makes getting immersed in his plays impossible. Not to mention everything is exaggerated and out of proportion.

>muh realism

Kill yourself.
Artists exalt.

you lived throughout the ages, did you?

semi-related is anyone watching that bbc comedy with david mitchell about shakespeare - Upstart crow

just turn off your brain brooo XD

The thing about Homer is that every single one of his characters is the eloquentest, most rhetorical human being on planet earth. Every single last one. They're all rhetors. They're all so fucking rhetorical. How can people stand it?

That's my real beef with Homer.

People say Homer was this brilliant epic writer or some bollocks. It's plainly obvious he could only write one character: himself. Just so happens "himself" is this unbelivably rhetorical and poetic genius.

And what the fuck is up with all the dactylic hexameter? It drives me up the fucking wall.

That shows thee a weak slave, for the weakest goes to the wall.

The thing about Hemingway is that every single one of his characters is the plainest, least poetic human being on planet earth. Every single last one. They're all human beings. They're all so fucking plain in how they speak. How can people stand it?

That's my real beef with Hemingway.

People say Hemingway was this brilliant dialogue writer or some bollocks. It's plainly obvious he could only write one character: himself. Just so happens "himself" is this unbelivably uneloquent human being.

And what the fuck is up with all the minimalist style? It drives me up the fucking wall.

The thing about the Bible is that every single one of the characters is the most parabolic human being on planet earth. Every single last one. They're all parables. They're all so fucking parabolic. How can people stand it?

That's my real beef with the Bible.

People say God was this brilliant epic creator or some bollocks. It's plainly obvious he could only create one character: himself. Just so happens "himself" is this unbelievably parabolic and symbolic metaphor.

And what the fuck is up with all the commandments? It drives me up the fucking wall.

At least when shakespeare splits his work up into different parts he does it for a reason