Ether Hell Faucet: – a competitive Ethereum faucet with eternal dividends and absolutely no fees.
Hey Veeky Forums, do you want some free ETH from a faucet? Better yet, do you want to earn money off people who think they can earn free ETH from a faucet? If so, come check out our newest project: Ether Hell Faucet. This game is only a few days old and still has plenty of room for growth. Initial investors are already seeing returns on their investment.
MAIN GAME: Anyone can place a bid at any time to become the leader. There’s no minimum, but bids are capped at 1% of the pot. While you’re the leader, you earn 10% of your bid every 5 minutes until someone else takes your place. You can earn up to 10% of the pot in one round until you have to rebid.
ETERNALLY INCREASING DIVIDENDS: When the pot gets large, potential payouts from the faucet increase, but the real way to make money is through dividends. 50% of each bid goes to the pot, and the other 50% goes to the dividend fund. If you bid beyond the maximum bid, you can acquire shares of the dividend fund priced at the current share value, and get a piece of all subsequent incoming bids. Dividend shares are priced such that their value never decreases, so you’ll want to buy early and hold on to your shares as long as possible, since their value can only go up over time. The more people play the game, the faster your dividends will grow, so once you’ve secured your shares you’ll want to shill this as much as possible and watch the dividends flow in.
Adam Hernandez
WHY NO MINIMUM BID: With no minimum bid, the game is accessible to bidders of all levels, encouraging high engagement and longevity. While you might be concerned that people can clog the faucet with tiny bids, the beauty of the game is that only big bids can lead to big payouts, so as long as the pot is large, you can be sure that someone will be willing to place a high bid to try to drain it. For investors, all bids are good bids – small bids keep the game alive, and large bids earn you more dividends. This game will sustain itself for months if not longer, and given the 50-50 split of bids between the pot and the dividend fund, you can be sure this is a sound investment as long as the pot exceeds the dividend fund.
STRONG HANDS, MORE DIVIDENDS: Dividend shares can only increase in value in this game, so there’s no reason to sell early. But as people do eventually sell, subsequent contributions to the dividend fund will only get more concentrated, netting those with strong hands a higher amount per bid.
Christian Martinez
Neat mechanic! Since the shares only go up in value over time, I think I’ll throw some ETH at this and see where it goes.
Adrian Russell
This is so fucking cool lol, putting in 2 eth now
Nicholas Sanders
Nice! The game is still young, this is the best time to do it.
Ayden Garcia
Please nobody fall for this scam christ pajeets get off our board. Shoi shoo poo in the loo
Cooper Jones
Top kek, try saying that with a straight face with multiple threads about pyramids and hot potato games on the front page right now. At least this game brings something new to the table.
Hunter Bennett
This looks pretty cool imo, not a typical hot potato scam
Easton Wright
Yeah, compared to some of the other garbage on Veeky Forums lately this is a breath of fresh air.
Robert Cooper
I’m gonna put 3 ETH in now and see what happens.
Lucas King
blatant samefagging. No way a thread like this would go 3 replies without a shitpost or memes
Also >fake tripname >”lol”
Brandon Brown
Nathaniel Gonzalez
^ this
Julian Jackson
Ryan Brooks
Fuck you OP you god damned pajeet
Jace Cruz
The pot's already over 8 ETH, if you think no one is going to play then you may as well come drain it.
Jayden Roberts
Christopher Richardson
Jacob Jones
I literally have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
Kevin Wilson
Brandon Cruz
Well since you asked, here's a flag for you.
Colton King
Well I personally audited the smart contract and I can see that shares are programmed to only raise in value... so it's not a scam. Code is law
Henry Jones
This is wicked, count me in!
Grayson Walker
Already made 30 cents bitches, look at me go. That pot is as good as mine.
Brody Carter
Looks like your bid was already sniped, better luck next time.