thats right boys by participating in crypto you are helping finance best koreas nuclear weapons program... bet u feel pretty bad now.

by this logic, crypto and any other sector of north koreas economy is fueling their economy, so if they sell minerals to china you're a fucking monster as well for doing the same

there's a difference though:
by speculating on crypto, you increase it's value, which in turn increases the buying power of NK's stash.

you monsters are literally supporting a dictatorship with your funny money coins. it should be banned

Truly a multicultural integration globalism program that went right. Thx bought 100k

I head North Koreans also breathe air too
We should be aggressively moving to regulate oxygen so that only tax payers are able to benefit

200 mil is nothing for a country

i dont care if nk get nukes.
if us can have them, so can nk

>Experts have warned that a cryptocurrency, with its anonymity, loose regulations and ability to be converted into hard currency, also offers rogue regimes like North Korea more opportunities to profit from crime.
>"Experts have warned"
It's fucking nothing

Breaking news people are bad and do bad things with things perceived with any value whether its currency, power or pussy.

How would N.K sell BTC??

wow literally Hitler

do you actually not understand?
first of all, the article is absolute FUD horseshit, but it has a point.
it's not about "NK uses this and you use this so you're as bad as NK"
it's about "NK has a lot of this and by driving the price up you're directly increasing NK's power"
whether or not you think that's a bad thing is up to

That's it??

literally < 20k btc, for an entire country there are non-early adopters with more than that

Lol stfu before you get nuked by the gods, AMERICA

no u china

The same could be said of gold
natural resources
basically anything of worth in a global market

point being
its retarded fud


Socialist countries will align to anarchist capitalism in the future, and this will be a good thing. Kim actually now has recreational nukes.


>that's right boys by participating in fiat you are helping finance irans nuclear weapons program... bet u feel pretty bad now.

lmao. only 200m
fucking poorfag country.

And by not paying taxes Ive only funded one of the sides :^)