Fuck, bros. I'm not ready to go back yet. Another weekend wasted doing errands, grocery shopping, laundry, un-flooding my basement (Northeastfag, got slammed by the storm), filing my taxes, mundane shit, etc
Now it's back to the dreaded office with those soulsucking fluorescent office lights above for 8 hours, the 5 next days, while I get meaningless paper shoved on my desk and shove meaningless paper onto others' desks.
Is this what the next 40 years look like?
Benjamin Walker
Your absolute best bet is to put every bit of disposable income into a few solid cryptos and hold. I'd recommend FUN, RLC, ETH, maybe EOS. It will probably mean enduring your wagecuck job for a couple years but it's better to suffer for a few year than the rest of your life.
Adrian Hill
It's simple - stop caring.
You're welcome.
Levi Moore
from what you said it doesnt seem like you have children, and your life looks shitty as is. The idea of having a kid is nice but you basically give up any of your life to take care of them, pay for their stuff, be a good father and stuff. I cant imagine doing all that if im stuck in a similar situation like you, id have to be making a decent salary and not hate work.
The situation you're in sucks tbqh. Everyone around you probably says "good for you, you're working and making something out of yourself!" But really its just what needs to be done and its not enjoyable in the slightest. Like the guy above says, find some really good crypto projects and put what you can into them. I suggest coss but thats high risk rn, monero and ether are probably much more guranteed but smaller gains overall.
Asher Thompson
Don't forget to be social and talk about your weekend, ill probably go on a nice bike ride then get a smoothie idk yet
Jason Williams
I have about 120k in crypto right now, I'm waiting for the final moon to push me into "fuck you" money territory.
I'm nowhere near thinking about children, even though I would like to start a family someday. I have a doggo and he's enough for me right now.
Camden Rodriguez
Nathan Cooper
John Moore
honestly id rather be in a comfy office doing shit like this as opposed to being in a shed full of coal dust. i want an office job reeeeeee
Landon Phillips
You're gonna make it, enjoy having several kids with a hot Ukrainian wife and kicking back at the lake house
Easton Mitchell
im not afraid to nocall noshow if im really not feeling it but even on days i do i cant muster an ounce of productivity, and essentially waste the entire day on Veeky Forums not getting paid. i have hobbies that are important to me and goals outside of work, but between work and my Veeky Forums addiction i have absolutely no time left for anything else.
Brandon White
fuck these threads are a horrible influence on me i wasn't planning on skipping work today but now im in the mood for it again
Joseph Rogers
You're crying over 8 hours sitting in a comfortable chair, with breaks to eat and a room with cool temperature? Fucking burgers and Eurofags LoL, y'all going to get easily conquered by islamists or Chinks in some years. I can only laugh at your weakness.
Benjamin Moore
I'm just bored at work, I just shitpost on here.
We don't even have an IT guy who could "spy" on us, so that's one of the few good things.
Still feels like a horrible waste of time, I hope crypto can get me outta here.
James Hernandez
>they didn't go to college to find a cushy job
Asher Peterson
same OP
here i am at my desk
fucking GAY
desu though im gonna smash overtime this month and buy many more cryptos with my paycheck
Anthony Jackson
preach nigga. this shit can't be good for us. i feel like i'm being forcefully indoctrinated into this fucking rat race. the fucked up thing is i could just leave whenever i want yet i keep coming back. fuck
Ayden Roberts
The grass is always greener on the other side of the wageslave pen.
Colton Mitchell
Yea, when you do labour it can be fun at first but after a while you'd love to have an office job, and when you have an office job it's fun at first but after a while you'd love to be doing labour outside instead. And once you have done both long enough you'd love not doing any of it anymore. I won't go back to either, if I don't make it with crypto this world won't have me.
Joshua Kelly
He is better off buying HPB.
Oliver Young
would be great to cycle between the two. i wanna start working in the lab every so often instead of doing labour all fuckin day
Dylan Hall
I quit my job on Friday and unshackled myself from wage slavery.
Hold in there bros, we are all going to make it.
Mason Lopez
5 years of financial crypto freedom has made it impossible to take a salary or money in general serious anymore. If worst comes to worst, I'd rather be welfare cucked or even homeless, spend my time in and out of the gym or training Jui-Jitsu than spending my times as a wagecuck. Waking up every day, then commuting and sitting in an office for 8 hours without a significant contribution to society; surrounded with people I probably dislike. I have no idea how a few years down the line it won't end up in me blowing my brains out or hooked to some drugs to deal with my ever increasing depression. Hopefully my crypto hodlings will enable me to start a business of my own, enslave some wagecucks myself and feel accomplished some day.
William King
Can you tell me where did you cash out? Did you notify your bank beforehand, or just keeping it in crypto and only using what you need?
Cameron Adams
what stopped you from being successful user?
Ian Edwards
Ayden Cooper
>Is this what the next 40 years look like?
He thinks he will get to retire lmao
Anthony Price
Can't wait until I go back to neetdom. Can't believe I fell for the wagecuck meme
William Miller
The day I get to tell those smug fucks im leaving because I wisely invested in the infrastructure that feeds smart contracts with real world data will make it all worthwhile.