Since we have some time to kill before our crypto holdings turn us into millionaires... Get in here and discuss the future.
What are the next big trends going to be? Feel free to speak about the near and distant future. I'll bump this with speculative articles and summaries.
OP for artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms.
Crypto lending Security for your crypto Using crypto in daily lives. Working your job and getting paid in crypto
Jonathan Sullivan
Decentralised internet; without it crypto will be a tyranny
Blake Wright
Facial recognition + drone swarms + massive divergence between haves and have nots (there will be no basic income. If you're not rich and connected RIGHT NOW you won't make it). + webm related. We're all fucked. The only chance the people have is unity. Why do you think we're constantly fighting over trivial partisan bullshit? Because that's exactly what we're supposed to be doing. Better make sure you have an off-grid farm in the middle of fucking nowhere before it all comes tumbling down.
>Bioterrorism could wipe out 33 million people in less than a year. >When it comes to food, Africa will become entirely self-sufficient. (thank you Stellar!) >Mobile banking will help the poor transform their lives. >By 2035, there could be almost no poor countries. >By 2030, the world will discover a clean-energy breakthrough to power our world. >Countless jobs will be lost to automation.
Chase Garcia
Wrong webm.
Kevin Miller
Maybe smart contracts
Colton Clark
Decentralized Oracle with multisig
Adam Fisher
That was one of the most fascinating things I've seen in my life. What the fuck? I'm sure it isn't working with a whole lot of accuracy now (or is it?) but we all know that it will, some day.
Juan Foster
totally believable if it's identifying "person" "vehicle" etc things have changed a lot this decade there's a ways to go before reliably identifying 1 out of 1 billion individuals
Robert Brown
Imagine when it lists a person's internet browsing habits, and suspected criminal activities.
Leo Gutierrez
Daniel Bailey
PoWH unironically
Eli Gomez
People have till 2020 to make themselves able to survive independently of society. There will be plenty of rich people who loose everything when the dollar collapses
Evan Hill
so...KIN or LEND?
Jeremiah Bailey
Never realized Paul Newman was Chad af
Oliver Roberts
Don't know what daily sounding crypto will be
Bullet proof scured wallets could be something like Rivetz or Pillar ultra secure wallets
Lending is going to come in various forms and will replace existing bank lending and will become p2p. This is Populous, PayPie, Salt, etc.
Also add.. ocean communities // seasteading. Tax free crypto life. (Pic attached)
Free energy by tapping into atoms all around us
Ryder Phillips
Sounding = spending #typo
Robert Martin
Gartner hype cycle. Check this thing every year and invest accordingly.
Michael Sanders
>600 billion market cap without practically any consumer transaction use >bottom of hype cycle
William Bell
2015 heading toward disillusionment (prior to productivity) Best time to plant a tree and all that
Andrew Torres
I think iphone and samsung phones with larger screens etc etc will patronum dissappear-o. I think the main use for mobiles other than intra-comms (whatsapp/we-chat/ telegram/ or some form of encrypted private comms) will be to secure your decentralized currencies. Cold Storage Hardware will have to be developed and fuse into everyday comm devices.
00's and 10's were the era of selling your private info to corporations, 20's information will be taken back by the people in a huge way, fb will become bust, XMR to the moon.