Tomorrow I start my new job. I'll be going from 36k a year - blue collar, to 52k being a Business Analyst.
I graduated college a few years ago, and it took me a few years, but this will be my first white collar job making decent money.
Got any tips for me?
Ayden Brown
smoke grass, kiss ass
Lincoln Anderson
Always read the memos, don't forget your cover letter.
Carter Carter
Making 52k a year and calling that an accomplishment. Topkek mate.
Jonathan Harris
this was literally just posted on /pol/ :(
dont be rude m8
Jacob Davis
>52k >decent money.
Hunter James
good luck user
don't fuck anyone you work with
Levi Murphy
The cost of living in my city is pretty low, so it's actually great for now.
Jackson Brown
Business analyst? Dress well. Ask alot of questions.
Jonathan Price
Don't be a little bitch about talking/going for drinks/food with people way above your position there.
People in high level management and c level don't get invited to shit and usually their job is 100% of their life. These people are the key, do your job and don't be a kiss ass to then either. You will get farther than your co-workers having these people's ears.
Do not cliq up, I have seen this mistake over and over again. Corporate culture is like fucking high school all over again their are social groups and huge gossip rumor Mills. The worst mistake you can make is locking into a group before you know if it is the anti work or loser group that people there despise , it will not be obvious at first.
Do not try to adapt your social norms to white collar fucktards, the higher up the chain you go the more you will notice that it becomes more and more like blue collar speak, be blunt and not afraid to use vile even offensive language .
Do not shit where you eat, never and I mean never date or fuck at work, this is completely non negotiable. Anyone that tells you some story about how they met their soulmate in the office etc is a beta cuck or office whore.
Jayden Cruz
Be overly generous and bring in food on a consistent basis , doughnuts in the morning or bagels on a set day of the week. Always have snacks and candy in your cubicle/office and go out of your way to make sure people know it is free and do not need to even talk to you to grab some. Always pay for lunches whenever possible and make it so everyone in the office uknowingly owes you a favor or two, you will need these.
Do not ask permission to do shit , setting meetings on your own and kicking off new projects/initiatives will show your higher ups they do not need to spoon feed you work. If you see something that needs to change , then just do what it takes to make it change .
On the meeting note do not waste anyone's time ever, only ever invite the people that absolutely need to be there and never anymore. If you encounter workers that use meetings to slack off or hear themselves talk immediately point it out and continue to point it out. You may look like an asshole to them, but to everyone else you are there hero and management loves that shit .
Elijah Foster
>52k Lol bro, i make nearly 10X that as a welder.
Ryan Gomez
good posts
Carter Perry
Have fun working for someone else, OP. I get drunk off my ass and do coke every other night while living off crypto.
Jaxson Gray
Good stuff. Sound advice. How long have you been in your position?
Joseph Hughes
If you want to increase your salary, try changing jobs more often. Each time you do, you're likely to get a significant pay bump.
Don't know about normal jobs, but for startup jobs you can pretty much change jobs yearly with no questions asked.
Matthew Hernandez
Good for you dude , my aunt won 500k off the lottery.
You need capital now to make big gains in crypto and to do that you need a job.
Enjoy your drug habits I personally have two friends with cocaine psychosis , just use responsibly, it can lead to some dark shit.
Levi Lopez
Kek bro I make 500x that
Isaiah Robinson
I was in corporate culture for 8 years some contracting some full time , last year dumped a bunch in Siacoin and it did well so I don't work anymore.
My field was infrastructure architecture, but it mostly just turned into building web portals and backend applications to replace what sys/Dev ops normally did manually .
Grayson Smith
whoa! cocaine!? literally mexi nigger dandruff
trust me. quit the blow user. it's a waste of your supposed "gains"
Hudson Murphy
>>dont dip you pen in company ink >>be low profile, no oversharing with anyone ever >>information and work techniques and tricks are valuable. do not give freely but don't be a dick either. meaning keep an edge >>don't site off, but make sure your work is noticed and that others don't take or get credit for it
Austin Sullivan
Yeah just avoid women in your workplace all together user. They can be real cunts and make claims of sexual harassment without proof, ruining your life even if found not guilty
Lucas Turner
>Cocaine psychosis
I've heard of this before but never experienced or known anyone who does cocaine that's experienced it. Then again, I'm not addicted to it and no my limits. What are they like?
Coke allows you to stay up all night and trade. It makes you super focused and alert. It's basically like a stronger caffeine, but you also get euphoria from it too. It's amazing if you're not an idiot, and use it in moderation.
Dominic Butler
Best advice I can give you and please take this to heart and keep this in the forefront of your mind....
1. No one at work is your friend, they will smile in your face and back stab you without a care.
2. Track your own hours, companies will and have fucked people out of their money.
3. Do not tell other's what you're making, folks will find some way to use that against you.
4. Keep your head down, your ear's open and do your job. do not focus on who is or isn't doing their job.
5. Favoritism exists, managers and bosses have favorites and they will allow them to get away with murder, if you aren't a favorite, be prepared for bullshit.
6. You should focus on opening your own business, because working for other's will never get you paid what your skills are worth.
7. Corporate America is akin to the underworld, the only difference here is that death/violence is all metaphorical but the rules are the same.
Jonathan Rodriguez
-"Do not shit where you eat, never and I mean never date or fuck at work, this is completely non negotiable. Anyone that tells you some story about how they met their soulmate in the office etc is a beta cuck or office whore."
-there is 1 and only 1 exception to this. An older married women who is your boss who cannot fuck you over if one of you decide to stop fucking the other. But its such a rare exception that its almost autistic to point it out.
"Do not try to adapt your social norms to white collar fucktards, the higher up the chain you go the more you will notice that it becomes more and more like blue collar speak, be blunt and not afraid to use vile even offensive language"
Dont be the asshole when you're low on the scrotum pole as my old Crane operator used to say. When your the low man keep your head down and do your job well. Be the guy everyone likes but who no one knows much about beyond the normal most banal vanilla shit. Stand your ground too you cant be a yes man but do be the guy that gets shit done.
Never gossip badly about another person even if the guy beside you it. The people that gossip about someone else gossip about you too. Don't be afraid of white lies provided you can keep your shit straight. If you don't have a girlfriend but everyone is married pretend that you have a significant other just to blend in even if your fucking Hep C hookers on the weekends. But at least have a pic that someone can't look up easy.
Ian Russell
Living on some offshore oil rig with a load of guys ?
Lincoln Moore
Suckin the biggest blackest pipes.. I hear ya.
Jonathan Wright
>If you don't have a girlfriend but everyone is married pretend that you have a significant other just to blend in even if your fucking Hep C hookers on the weekends Why is not having a GF such a turn off for normies?