Short now
I shorted at 499
dunno why
pretty retarted
Man i was my government would let me use more leverage but I guess they know whats best :(
buy now faggot
If you're in it for the long haul you're good. But this is a good shorting opportunity for short term traders
I will after a while
put on vpn and make an account, then you don't need vpn again.
What are your targets?
I would start finding an exit as we move under 11.3k
no one gives a FUCK about your analysis tripfag. KYS attention-wanting faggot, real TA people don't give a fuck about getting followers, you reek of desperation
I have not posted my TV profile or my twitter lol idc about getting followers. Have you ever told someone to make a trade and felt good after they made some money coz of you? I’m sure not.
Why don’t you quiz me about some real TA we’ll see what you’re made of.
But wait I know. Full of shit. Lol
I shorted at 11200
-30% right now, should I cover or just hodl?
Lol the short was supposed to be at 11,550 but don’t worry you’ll be ok
>Why don’t you quiz me about some real TA
Can I quiz you about how it hasn't dumped at all?
Coz TA is more about what will happen and less about when exactly it’ll happen. You can’t find the exact time when to short or long, but you can find the right levels.
Same was with yesterday when I longed at 11,100. The bounce didn’t come quickly. But when it came it gave me a +100%
>he thinks he can see the future
>he thinks they can't pump it and squeeze shorts into 12k or 12.5k
nice funding coming in for shorts too
just sayin
I'm fucked bros
You could short it again and get a better avg price and get our ass out that trade. Best you could do is come out quits.
But your money your call.
if you are lucky but probably not add more margin until liq price is 12-13k or pray
Welp. Nice call.
you'll be alright
this shit is coming down to atleast your entry
Good call bro
you're retarded and hate money if you're not shorting BTC every time it goes above 11500
fuck bitmex why did i get on this gambling, lost half my btc
>he lives his life scared of what (((they))) might do and can never make a logical decision because of it
I was really scared that i made a wrong move, but seems like it was not good but still okay.
OP, I'm curious:
1. which courses, books, youtube vids did you use to learn TA? Who were your teachers and what would you recommend doing to learn TA?
2. Can you show us on a chart how you came to the conclusion to go short?
Practice, experience and google.
My guru is basically god.
I shorted at 10800, am i fucked?
I did at 10950. Be patient, it'll swingg between 9k-12k for quite some time. As long as there is no new money flowing in the whales will play within these grounds.
use a stop loss
what is risk/reward?
Did you not have a stop?
No. You just opened a short, I will make sure it will get rekt. These threads will stop from now on.
check out this butthurt babby
did you buy at 19k?
see you retarded filthy shorters at 11,7-8, make sure you post your wojacks when you get rekt
Post proof. After that send me 1 BTC so I can buy a shitton of LSD
lol look at the time. It's too late.
>he thinks there is any logic to this pump
>he thinks it will start getting logical the moment he makes a decision
>he thinks he isn't gambling
Whats your twitter?
>1 BTC worth of LSD
Ambitious, what happens if you eat an LSD crystal the size of your hand?
Heart attack
thats right. and always remember to report all gains for taxing purposes. you're welcome
Thanks going long.
This. Its not going much further, we are overextended for now.
I will not post any social media links here. You will see my here often by the name "Mexfag"
Screenshot of position.
thats some baby balance right there
i shorted at 11530, closed at 11430, reopened at 11450. 10x leverage though, i've been burned too hard by 25.
Fair play. An honest trip fag...what is happening?
Smaller than my usual positions coz we are bullish in a larger time frame. I am biased towards longs > shorts right now
I'm always biased towards shorts, especially with lower leverage, because the chance of this all blowing up seems higher to me than the chance that we go on a golden bullrun out of nowhere.
Also i have "long positions" by default because i have lots of altcoins like ethereum, so shorting gives me a way to retain some money in the case of a crash
Interesting POV and first time I've heard something like that. You're a bear, you must have enjoyed these markets in the last couple of months.
Should I short now OP?
can i get 1k for trading pls
Mexfag, whats your twitter?
by the time someone makes a thread about a long or short position is always too late and even if you are not you can be wrong.basically believe in yourself
I wish I could, senpai. It's just a list of trades of 50k on Bitmex. Whale watching.
Lol newbie
The 11,190 SL for the 10,800 short group was hit but on the same time the long batch was initiated with a TP = 11,700. I see increasing resistance at 11,500 - 11,600 on 15M (RSI = 53.523, ADX = 24.752 on overbought STOCH/ Williams and BBP = -2.5240) so I took the profit earlier at 11,600 for 50% of the lot (rest on initial TP but on a 11,190 break even SL). Since 11,780 is a 5H Top/ 1D Resistance and yesterday's 1D was a Doji Star Bearish Reversal candle, it is possible to get a 0.618 Fibonacci retracement = 10,850 or even 0.50 = 10,555. The volume remains very low so these upside attempts are vulnerable to aggregated profit taking. The last 1W candle ended on 18.35% in gains with its neutral RSI = 54.711 and Highs/Lows = 0, suggesting that if 11,706.30 (SMA10) is made into a support, I will take a risk to buy near the 0.50 Fibonacci fill of the 6,000 bottom = 12,946.20.