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the 2nd pump has started. how high will it go?
say, i really like that moon
-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.
-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.
[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.
-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!
-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list
-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%
-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).
1.05 to 1.07 then correct down to 1.02 tomorrow
here's what will happen:
Interviewer: So, XRP is the only top 5 coin that's not on Coinbase. Any plan to add this year?
Coinbase President: We will add several coins in the next few months, but we can't say which.
*XRP continues to moon*
1 then down to .95 today
If it's going to be a standard for banks, it needs to be stable at 1.00 (-/+5)
I was considering this too however the near instant transaction might mean its less dependent on being steady.
You can exchange currencies at a rate that changes slowly over time so it doesn't really matter how long it takes , but with this say you send 2000 tokens at 1.50 ea. Perhaps theyre counting on the fact that it won't change too much over the next couple of seconds when the transaction is complete. Just my theory I'm sure it'll settle on a relatively fixed value eventually. Just not sold on it having to be a dollar.
As soon as I bought some it dropped a cent. Thank me later accumulators, I'm sure I'll sell right before it fucking explodes.
no, retard, banks want it to be worth more because it increases liquidity and makes settlements a lot simpler.
buy some more please. im trying to get in at a better price. ive down my fair share of dropping prices for others.
1$ is good today . try for a 98 or 97 dip but it'll probably be hard. I was shilling for you fags to get in at 89 to 90 yesterday .
i hate it. would totally get ripped apart by its own spinning and become nano
whats going on with this shit coin right now? interview with xrp ceo and coinbase ceo tomorrow i heard? on cnbc?
Yeah which means people are fomo ing in. Personally I dont think it'll be anything breaking besides talking about what xrp does and what an exchange like coinbase does however people are wishful thinkers and there's a 1% chance if that of some big news.
I feel yesterday was a better buy in for this but leading up to tomorrow there's prolly 10cents left to be made / coin before a dump after no news and correction to 1$. All my opinion of course.
There's also a simple situation of it being justed for weeks and having reached bottom for now.
FOMO in or regret it later, this is the 2nd pump.
This is fucking beautiful.
Bought 3 days ago for 90 because it always bounces from it. Should i sell now or wait several hours?
I suggest you wait till tomorrow night when the real fomo starts. But nothing wrong with a 15 to 20% profit of course. I wouldn't suggest trying to hit the peak cause you might get stuck with bags fren
either way if it's big news or not, it will gain recognition to many no-coiners and skeptics who might jump on board just because it's cheap crypto on the news.
Nigga this aint tether
I bought 2k at .88 last night on Binance
Nice Gratz , holding long term or just short term ? :)
so bags are the only risk then? i don't have to worry about missing a bigger moon? because i'm fine with bags
I believe the project is solid and adoption will happen over time. There will always be a bigger moon as real news and partnerships are announced .
This is one of the chances to make a short term gain on speculation , but with real news like western union trying Ripple out , it does even better :)
If WU adopts XRP it will moon even harder, again.
I'm wondering if XLM will be mentioned tomorrow and also moon.
Jed's rebellion will be crushed once and for all.
But but but....everyone told me its a shitcoin... no gains for me, i bought a shitcoin after they said no one uses XRP.
I feel really really stupid for not doing my research. And listening to pigs of pajeets.
Because one says its shit doesn't mean i listen next time. fuck my life
Don t feel bad user I sold a couple coins for lesser shit coins and now I would've been better off with these . Next time just dyor and only invest in stuff you believe in.
Funny. Iactually believe in ripple and XRP.
I will kill this asshole.
You need to think when someone has 100k follower in twitter he is legit and full of truth and wisdom. BUT THEY ARE ALL LIARS AND MANIPULATORS DUMPING THEI SHITCOIN BAGS ON NEWBIES AND OTHERS.
One day someone will kill another one because he lied on twitter about waht is a scam and what not.
Thissss motherfucker, i take him the next conference he is appearing!
Dont take much advice from biz without doing your own research to back up your decision, this is how you get rekt.
Kek. Just take a loss and learn from your mistakes. If it was trusting someone too much just cause of social media then don't do it again . and always only invest what youre prepared to lose.
Road to $20, credit card was refused. I wanna die.
Im not sure what to believe. To me it seems like such a big 'CNBC' sort of thing to do to break the news that Coinbase is listing a new 'cheap' coin to get all the normies jacked and excited.
That and the fact that Coinbase is rolling out 90 newly trained customer support staff today/tomorrow (not sure what timezone, but its before the CNBC meetup.
Big high risk - high reward play coming up.
>90 newly trained customer support staff today/tomorrow
This and a total of 500 are being hired through May.
I sincerely hope you're trolling
yep, hoping Coinbase gets their shit together and starts adding more coins. Didnt they promise to add another coin before the end of last year?
The estimate was mid-Jan so I'd expect it very soon. They kind of have to add some stuff. I'd imagine they won't just add one. Ripple is probably a decent bet.
I can neither cash it in nor buy more!!
I hope this will not be the case for the coins they add!! I really mean this!!!
I created a sell order at 11k sats, bought at 8k; are we gonna hit it?
i just got out. fucking staying in there with RSI indicators being so bearish. I'm taking my 17% and getting gtfo
Too early friend
>falling for badStellar
Banks are going to partner with IBM, not some random startup.
IBM is as dusty as companies can get. No innovation happens there anymore. IBM is where talent goes to die and this has been known in the IT industry for a while now.
Lol ok.
yeah because they dont "innovate" the next itoddler shit
Just want to post a heads up that Brad Garlinghouse and the President/COO of Coinbase will be on the Fast Money show on CNBC this coming Tues @ 5pm EST 3/6/18.
Announcement today - 5/March/2018
what time ?
how is the rsi bearish right now ?
Can you not fucking read?
just bought 14880 ripple shares
take it as a lesson learned
analyse fud carefully and check it out for yourself to confirm it or not
its your money and your time, its up to you to figure out how to make gains
It is though. Only good for short term hype gains.
You need to be ahead of the market or behind the market. Can't be a sheep bro. The uncertainty of not having people's opinions to backup your decision won't feel good but you gotta not pussy out. I bought in stellar at 30 cent and held while people cried niggers every 15min on here for the last week.
You should make your decisions based on all available info but TA can help you to feel confident in your decisions.
you will regret having sold there.
This is the only coin getting basically punished for weeks, lots of upward potential.
1.35 by tonight is my target
same. but at this rate I doubt we will hit 1.20
Depends if they actually add it or announce. There is a lot of dumb money on the sidelines that would buy the coin off coinbase, so it won't be a sell the news situation if they can get in
If CB adds a few new coins this month like they said, XRP is 100% one of them
Imho, Ripple should have been added to coinbase long ago. It checks all the right things for it to happen.
If it doesn't, I hope brad has a back up announcement or back to 60cent we go.
I'm going all on in a short right before the interview happens. I garuntee this is not gettting added to coinbase and XRP is gonna sink like a fucking stone
my sentiments exactly.
Still look at a good coin to swap it for
I'm thinking either Nano, or keep it in BTC for a week
I don't do Nano. might just sell it for btc.
I'm wondering where the ICX pump is staying. I should be ready to explode by now.
you're a dumb faggot and I hope you kill yourself
>i dont do nano
faggot. youre probably a stinky linky who also unironically holds FUN.
once 99% of shitcoins die, Nano will be one of the only ones that has any real world use
Meh, nano has good potential to pump to at least 15-20 soon imo. But for longer term gainz BTC is prob the way to go
Neither link nor FUN.
Thank for your concern though.
it's an obvious pump and dump.
cnbc announced thursday who would be on the show.
some user posted on xrpchat that they would be on the show together and the speculation snowball began to form
there was a small pump on shortly after, then it kept dumping
starting friday night (US time) paid shill groups slowly started posting on Veeky Forums
the shilling increased and the price took off
the shill threads stopped and the only ones left trading are the bagholders
look at the volume
get out now and wait until tuesday to see what happens
Pretty intense whale battle happening on binance now
whales are gone, bro
volume increasing during a dump is bad news
get out while you can
Shut your whore mouth
you are mentally fucking retarded if you think that any groups willing to shill biz could cause actual price action on the #3 crypto
The next few hours are absolutely crucial for ripple
it wasn't just Veeky Forums shilling you fucking mong
>believing the fucking order book
toppest of keks, user
enjoy your bags
read this it just keeps dumping
lol get rekt
Op is really a nice guy for baiting normies into buying now.
oh i will
go check on your stinky bags in the meanwhile
Starting to get really annoyed by these pajeet faggots who keep selling. We still have a day left until news.
>stinky bags
like i would buy that shit
there's only one king and i'll dabble in your shitcoins to get more of king daddy. bought xrp friday night at and dumped my bags yesterday.
sitting comfy in king BTC until something else comes along
>We still have a day left until news.
wew, lad
that was the point
i do too but its fine. One last pump , its gonna be interesting if they dump Tue 4pm or something and they do announce ripple on coinbase, that pump would be huge though unlikely.
Im dumping all mine at 3:30 right before the interview. This shit is going to plummet so hard after there is no news and their delusions of grandeur are crushed
you may get another pump to 9K or 9100 sats but that's it.
What interview. Isn't the CEO supposed to appear 5pm ETC
Good mate. Realized profits is better than losing .
Yeah if it doesn't hit my target I'm not selling , dont mind holding bags for a bit. If it does ill sell and buy in after there's no news .
I think there'll be a bigger push but well see :)
KING BTC is pumping
if ripple dumps past 8800 sats, you guys are fucked
it's all yours my friend