What's the point of existing if the reality of pic related is inescapable?

What's the point of existing if the reality of pic related is inescapable?

user, prove that the universe is indifferent and then i will kill myself.

maybe not

Fuck off gorillashitter,

Whats the point of not existing?


Does there have to be a point? While you preoccupy yourself with shit like this, your brief sensory existence is passing, tick tock tick tock. So if there really is no end game, you better enjoy it while you can.

The lack of a point liberates you to find what you enjoy in life on your own rather than having a path prescribed to you. Now fuck off, gorilla.

that's a cry baby philosophy. so you have to kill yourself because the universe doesn't care about you?

doesnt eating food and getting drunk satisfy you? what about having sex? there are a lot of things in life outside of the approval of other people, or for that matter, things

That is the thing user. Some people are craving something more than hedonism.

Doesn't have to be hedonism. See and if you are unsatisfied go delude yourself with religion like most of the world.

> babbys first existential crisis
Don't worry. You'll get over it and grow up soon.

Why would we go back to stardust.

Perhaps we can solve the universe. Perhaps we can organise the star dust and finally over-take entropy.

I mean we did it before with evolution. We escaped the food chain. Surely we can escape entropy in a similar manner if we just progress further.

Rick please. Gtfo and let the grownups play~
It always boils down to 1 or 0.

The problems are nothing the same.
You are not getting an answer in your lifetime so it doesn't matter either.

I dunno. The problems are similar I'd say.

We were in the food chain being eaten. No other example of something that escaped the food chain existed. We eventually were lucky enough to evolve the tools that let us see how we could escape something faster, stronger and maybe even cleverer than us.

At the moment we're stuck with rising entropy and a model for thermodynamics that mathematically states that entropy will always rise in a closed system given anything happens.

But surely with our increased understandings of the universe and enough time we might be able to figure out a work around.

I mean just a thousand years ago, people had no understanding of nuclear energy, or quantum mechanics or even an understanding of evolution.

In the several billion year span it will be until we have to start worrying about things like entropy, who knows exactly what we will know about our universe, and what work arounds to our entropy problem will exist.

Who knows isn't a real argument, but the alternative is complete unavoidable annihilation. If we're going to be annihilated we might as well go out fighting against it.

We are like 10 years away from backing people's minds up on neural chips. Less than 20 from growing you a new body when you die.

All living things are immortal because information does not get destroyed merely converted. So we will convert our biological selves into new bodies then into robotic bodies for space travel. If you are younger than 50, you will probably live to see it.

Younger than 30? Shit you could do nothing with your entire life and still benefit from this technology since money won't be around for much longer and this service will be seen as a human right (to exist permanently and never die).

Younger than 20? You should probably start fucking your brains out to ensure at least 10-20 of your offspring are born before they put a lock on reproduction.

but continuous consciousness is required to not actually die

you take your suicide boxes and go!

What about sleeping or comas? Consciousness is a persistent pattern, if you can store the pattern you can reanimate it at a later date, probably.

Actually there might be a more advanced way to do it.

Remember that thread yesterday I think, where someone made the argument that 100% of your atoms are replaced every 5 years... but your consciousness isn't interrupted?

What if we could replace 100% of your cells with autonomous ones.

Or more efficiently. 100% of your brain with an autonomous one, piece by piece, slowly over 5 years.

In that way, you wouldn't actually have interrupted consciousness, and you can maintain your 'illusion of consciousness' for eternity.

I want dualists to leave. Consciousness cannot be separated from the body.