Rate and hate anons. Lets all wallow in the misery of jumping on the bandwagon last december
>All /biz meme coins
Why the fuck are u diversifying with that amount of money? You should be taking big risks and just putting in into 1-2 coins max. Fix this shit faggot
we already have one of these threads up my man
1/10 sell that shit for btc and tether when profit then wait for sideways movement and swing trade some alts. Not much gains to be made in this shit manipulated market otherwise
With love, a fellow poorfag
There are so many of these shitty meme folios with less than 1k invested in 20 coins.
Either these people are trolling or they're seriously fucking brain dead.
Yeah yeah niggers if I had the intelligence I would do that. Trying to cover my back and diversifying but I'm to stupid to buy and sell. Also poor as fuck but thanks for the comments guys
In all seriousness good investments with the exception of payfair, but I haven’t really done a ton of research on it so maybe I can’t criticize. I think icx and amb will have a great year.
Then go all in turtle piece of shit
>if I had the intelligence I would do that
just sell everything and get the fuck out kek
Go all in on EVE.
Spent about 3k on those 10k meme money. Rate me bros
Thanks user got most of the pfr at .05 feel like it will grow a bit especially if they deliver a decent platform
Would if I could mine that shit
Look even idiots need to make money somehow. I didn't buy eth 2 years ago because I couldn't figure out how address and private keys worked (I was scared actually)
Listen, if you're too dumb to research your own shit. You shouldn't invest.
You're going to lose your money over Veeky Forums memes. Just get out and find something else that you do understand.
I'm the ultimate poorfag! If this moons hard I can turn this into $1200 easily...
Bro, I don't have the cash do anything. I live pretty comfortable but I don't make a whole lot and I keep most in Fiat. My bet chance is that one of these does a x1000 or something
Pump prl please
Listen to this user. Or TRAC, SPHTX, something like that. You need to get off Binance, stop diversifying, find something with a small market cap and just fucking wait. If your shitfolio reflects your crypto experience you will NOT make it day trading
And this is how you're going to lose your money. You only think about 1000x. You're a fucking moonboy. Do research and make any amount of gains. Don't think about it as a lottery.
Just go all in ETN like I do. Theyre gonna release the sim. mobile miner today which will cause a bit of mooning. Long term ETN is gonna be amazing, theyre marketing it really well and thats what counts.
Thanks for the advice anons I'll look into them.
I hear what your saying user, hard to keep my emotions out of this
You'll make money from PFR due to its low price and market cap and they're about to finish the next step in their roadmap. I don't know much about the others.