
I'm looking for the guy that posted a few days ago that talked about how he found this supplement to cure his mercury poisoning called emeramide.

I have similar issues, brain fog, depression, extreme fatigue, ocd and I had mercury dental filings too.

Also health/mental health thread I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


Emeramide guy never showed up

Mercury causes autoimmune diseases and mental problems.

I bet you all have mercury in you.

I don't know how I would come to touch with significant amounts of mercury leading a normal life. The amount you get from eating tuna alone is probably way higher than any leaking dental fillings, and I don't eat tuna just because of that.

Dental filings are worse than tuna because the type of mercury in dental filings is much much worse for you.

Also you can get it from coal plants, environment in general, thimerosal in vaccines etc etc

Also if you don't have the right genetics to detox properly mercury had going to be far more toxic to you
If that case even a tiny amount of it is very damaging

Mercury is a major contributor to autism

I have 8 mercury fillings reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

If you have brain fog could be an iodine deficiency

That's not entirely true. Organic mercury, found in fish, is more potent than inorganic mercury mg for mg. Fillings expose you to a greater amount than eating predatory fish once a weekS

Get them removed from a qualified dentist that uses the suction cup or else you will simply swallow the mercury and poison yourself far worse

The type of mercury?

>Also you can get it from coal plants, environment in general, thimerosal in vaccines etc etc
Good point, although I don't know how major the effect can be. Those are mostly trace amounts of mercury, and if even trace amounts were enough to cause major harm, people would be dropping left and right from fillings.

My mom has mercury filling(s?), but other than that I've not come in contact with that stuff much AFAIK, and I'm still somewhat of a wreck. But prescription stims have solved everything to me. I would recommend checking those out as well if possible. But you're right, maybe mercury can be the main culprit behind our problems, I'm not saying it's impossible. Getting it chelated seems like a hassle, right?


I forget where I read about this, but mercury from filings can damage your body worse and get into tissues more

Here's the thread you were asking for?

>people would be dropping left and right from fillings.
Autism rates and mental illness rates have exploded though.

I fucking hated that thread. The guy was carrying on like his life was stolen from him over because he got some dental fillings.

lol you posted this at the worst possible time, but i'm here
and dead tired
and i have to wake up in four hours

pic related
it's me

but, anyway, yeah—i'll answer whatever you're wondering (about emeramide) as quick as i can

not true; dental amalgam is, *far and away*, the most dominant source of stored body mercury in individuals with amalgam fillings
if you have fillings, you have a lot of mercury from them—and it is from elemental mercury vapor, which penetrates just about fucking everything
even if your mother had fillings, you most certainly have a large amount of mercury from her passing it onto you prenatally
once it's in your body, just about nothing that you'll encounter naturally can do anything to even affect it, let alone safely remove it

Because his life was stolen from him
He couldn't do shit and had to drop out of college
Imagine being horribly depressed, anxious and confused and you don't know why.

First thing you hypochondriacs ought to do is have a relevant blood test performed

Emeramide is fucking expensive and hard to source in the quantities you need. There are other clinically proven chelator combos for heavy metals:
chlorella+cilantro (no joke) combined with one of the following: calcium disodium EDTA, DMSA, DMPS
Also take these at the same time with 1000mg or more of Omega 3 supplements. Do not any of these at the same time (within a few hours) as antioxidants like vitamin c.
Further research google: chlorella + cilantro, edta + chelation, heavy metal chelators, bile cleanse.
I have been on chlorella for a few weeks and it has definitely changed my head. I'm not 'better' but things are different and I've had glimpses of my old self the past few days.

Good luck anons, i hope this helps

That's true, but it might also be caused by a myriad of factors. It's almost never just one thing, and I'm kinda sceptic about this one being the cause and nobody still knowing about it.

Welp, that sounds horrid. If you don't mind posting some sources that would be swell. I gotta look into emeramide anyway, even if it does nothing, why refuse giving it a shot?


mercury can put you through an everlasting hell before you come close to dying from it
i'd be willing to bet that the majority of autism cases that we see today are because of mercury that has quite literally accumulated over generations of mothers, with more and more getting into children through dental amalgam and other sources
methylmercury, from fish, is significant and absolutely dangerous, sure—but it's not in your teeth, right under the roof of your mouth and your entire respiratory tract, constantly emitting trace quantities of extremely absorbable and permeable vapor, either

Holy shit user it's you.
I need to talk to you about a bunch of shit.
I've been dealing with this my whole life. Tried dmsa, dmps and a bunch of other shit that barely does anything.
Here's a temp email address:
[email protected]

Can you send me your email and we can talk from there?

Hey. Whered you get your emeramide? What's your protocol? How are you feeling?

>even if your mother had fillings, you most certainly have a large amount of mercury from her passing it onto you prenatally
I also read that of your mother had fillings, it could cause epigenetic changes in the fetus, making them more susceptible to mercury toxicity.
My mom had this shit

The cure for mercury and other metal poisoning too, btw, is to replete the body with the minerals these metals replace at the enzyme binding site. Mercury can replace Zinc at the enzyme binding site because their valence is similar on the periodic table. A mild zinc deficiency will result in a metal taking its place at the enzyme binding site to make sure the enzyme continues to function, albeit at a much lower efficiency rate. It’s a kind of short term adaptation to these deficiencies so we don’t die. This is also true of other mineral/metal combinations: cadmium can replace zinc or copper, lead can replace calcium, nickel replaces chromium and so on. There is a program called nutritional balancing which addresses these issue via hair mineral testing, specific diet and supplementation plans, and near infared sauna therapy for detoxification. The website for this program is here:

What about selenium?

What about it?


that is, unless you have something that will ASSUREDLY grab, and *never fucking let go of* mercury in your bloodstream when the mercury happens to make contact with it
if you take cilantro without something like this, you can fuck your brain up terribly
source: me
i still can't feel happiness or make vivid pictures in my mind—but, i'm getting better
5 grams of emeramide can only go so far—ya dig, muh nig

edta doesn't chelate mercury, but apparently works fucking beautifully with lead
never had any experience with it

i don't have time to cite sources
insert memepasta of time machine linkie billionaires here
gonna have to feminist through this one, and merely say that the sources are there—which they are! elemental mercury vapor is highly bioavailable, and just like organic mercury compounds, can penetrate even the blood-brain barrier no problem
once it gets into your brain, there's a high chance of it getting converted into inorganic mercury, and—unless using something like cilantro (i think)—never leaving
fun f*cking times!!!!!!

i am so tired

Noted. I can search for myself anyway no prob

I'm going to be buying 10 grams of emeramide.
You said before that you are a leaf, so am I.
If the border let yours though I'm confident they will let mine through.

Well your verbal acuity is still on point at least

paxil made me a retard and severe memory loss. there is a way to recover from this jewshit?

i'll take it down, and maybe send you an email tomorrow
i do like keeping everything public, though, as there's hardly a record of emeramide anywhere
for something that works as well (and as seamlessly) as it does, it's a fucking shame
my protocol is:
i take some emeramide a day in the morning and then wait a week or something lol
the beautiful thing about emeramide is that you don't have to worry about it letting go of mercury; it grabs on, and holds on
there's no chance of re-toxification from it picking up mercury, and then letting go in a shitty place
it holds like a motherfucker
fortunately, other things *do* cross the blood-brain barrier
cilantro's thiol compound—whatever it is—supposedly does, from what i can remember
i'm not touching that shit again until i have at least 20g of emeramide

i probably shouldn't tell you where i got my emeramide, as there is currently no place online that sells for human consumption
you have to pose as if you're ordering it for your business
and *yes*—if you live in canada, at least, you will need a registered business
runs you about $50 or so

but, i will say that there is one place that sells emeramide way fucking cheaper than anywhere else
it also seems to be more pure
i don't want them or a regulatory agency catching wind of threads like this, and then sharting all over everything and fucking people like us over forever
(forever meaning until emeramide gets on the market in official capacity, as irminix)


It's just iodine in a pretty package, named something else, marked up 200%.

pls help me think again

blood tests for mercury will always give inaccurate results
mercury migrates to soft tissue and stays in soft tissue; it doesn't hang around in the blood for any great period of time

many multiple honks
if i weren't, i think i'd be completely fucked by now

some user in a previous thread mentioned hydrogen water
looks kinda fucking awesome; i'd look into it

If fillings really caused mercury poison why aren't there any class action cases or any mainstream attention

>hydrogen water
thanks, i will search about it