What does Veeky Forums think of my homemade lasagna? Any tips?

What does Veeky Forums think of my homemade lasagna? Any tips?

why is it brown...


I thought it was a jew fetus not a fucking lasagna

Jesus you're such a fucking pleb. obviously you're missing the ranch sauce and mustard.

>Any tips?
Don't start with a failure of a dish.
Lasagna is a meme that should only be assembled fully cooked.

Next time, you should try not fucking burning it.

Instagram "garbage food" filter.

New learner in cooking so I decided to start with something I thought would be easy.

Only Americans boil lasagna sheets, it's a stupid and unnecessary step.

American here, never heard of any one boiling the pasta first, and it's not like my family was particularly savvy with regards to cooking.

hey...that's pretty good

from the thumbnail, I thought it was a spatchcocked chicken.
try again.

It looks like you put American cheese on top of it you dumb fuckin shit

What in gods name am I looking at

There's too little sauce on top desu. When I'm doing the last layer I like to mix the remaining ragù and besciamella putting it on top so the pasta doesn't dry up and/or burn itself.

Nice try though. Keep it up.

>Nice try though
was it?

Not what I'm saying. I'm saying that baking pasta is an unnecessary step that often ruins a perfectly good meal.
Baking adds nothing to the dish, assembling fully cooked ingredients into a lasagna is faster and is impossible to fuck up.

it looks like a banana had diarrhoea

I'm not that bad.

Ruins a meal? Because you're too fucking far tob wait an extra 20 mins?

If you want to try that post again, we'll give you another chance.

Thanks man. Now have some patience, you bake pasta dishes to heat or melt the cheese


Crispy lasagna is best tho.

here you are real lasagne

What a coincidence. I'm watching House of Cards right now.

Now dat lookin' gooood!

moussaka > lasagne

fight me irl

nice go za

I with this user.

My mom was watching Oprah a coons age ago and there was this baking pan that made brownies that were all edge pieces.
It would be awesome to try lasagna in this

There are people on Veeky Forums who think cheese is meant to be an ingredient in Lasagne.
This is ignorance.

>not fucking baking cheese onto your pasta dishes

It's like you don't want a firm but thin savory crust on top.

Also, riccota with some spinach on some level, that's absolutely godly.