Bitcoin Cash

Hey everyone!!!!
hope you've been accumulating the coin which best represents the white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto, the architect of true Bitcoin!!!

Sub-cent fees!!!!
On-chain scaling!!!
Tx signatures!!!!!

Best of luck everyone!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

Dropping like a rock for 3 months!!!
Lost an amazing amount of money on it!!!
Maybe will keep dropping for another 3 months!!!
Fuck this fucking fuckcoin!!!

hold on tight there sir!!!!!
the patient will be rewarded!!!
it's the time for accumulation!! :) :) :) :)

Nice job buying high and selling low. If you hold, you are guaranteed at least a 9x from the flippening

Please user, please buy this coin so I can dump it once price is higher... please.

but my man.. i've never lost money with bitcoin cash!!!!!! :) :) :)

>hope you've been accumulating the coin which best represents the white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto, the architect of true Bitcoin!!!
The coin that changed the difficulty from the white paper to survive?, which specifically goes against the difficulty adjustment algorithm that he created?
sure, that one is the real bitcoin!

>because surely the difficulty adjustment algorithm is the fundamental aspect of bitcoin, and not the fact that it is meant to serve as peer-to-peer electronic cash (with lightning it doesn't) and that a bitcoin is meant to be a chain of digital signatures (with segwit it isn't), surely satoshi said "you can change everything about what bitcoin fundamentally is but never change the difficulty adjustment that's the most important thing in the universe!"

The difficulty adjustment was objectively bad. The BCH one has no drawbacks over the original one. In fact, the miner cartel that backs BCH and has over 75% of the hash power could stop mining BTC right after a difficulty adjustment on BTC and let BTC death spiral and be unusable.

The old adjustment algorithm is vulnerable to miner attack. They just don't want the bad PR of actually killing BTC that way even though they can, as it would (justifiably) expose how fucked up POW really is in how much power miners can have over it.

btc merchant adoption is shrinking bch adoption is growing.
there is not a single reason to cap blocks at 1mb (non mining nodes do nothing).
segwit destroys the mining nash equilibrium incentivising the collusion of miners to change the UTXO without owners signatures. You can only trust jihan and roger to not be doing this right now.
why introduce segwit before a blocksize increase when lightning network requires 133mb as specified in the lightning network whitepaper.
why introduce segwit at all when it is not necessary for second layer solutions.
lightning network will not be decentralized because to solve the routing problem is NP hard.
why would anyone want lightning network when it is not a decentralised ledger? the whole point of bitcoin is to scale on chain as that is what makes decentralised uncensorable money which can free all the people in the world from the financial repression of central banks

>another bcash thread

another blockstream friend!!

bcash lol

will i see you at the vision of satoshi conference!!!???

Someone who understands

>Sheep mentality

Who would go to conference sponsored by BITMAN and Roger ? get lost retard

Ver is even trying to prop up that shit with some stupid fundraiser to scam even more cash out of the gullible idiots.

Putting lots of exclamation marks at the end of the sentence doesn't help your scam OP!!!!!!

they will both have their place bitcoin as usuable digital gold and bcash for 80% of the world (pajeets)

pls go back to your r/btc shithole


wow.... rude!!

Nigger I read the original bitcoin paper. It was vague on engineering details.