Just bought ETC at 251000 sats.
For the next 6 hours and 30 minutes will be a wild ride.
Just bought ETC at 251000 sats.
For the next 6 hours and 30 minutes will be a wild ride.
10x longed. Rich or bust
Speaking of falling knives I’ve been buying COSS for the past week and a half. Should I kms?
patience is key. bought at 318000
You will be ok, I bought the fucker a few weeks back for $44, sold for around $18 when all the markets shit the bed, biggest mistake ive made.
When is the airdrop and where is the best place to store ETC?
same, waiting for 360000 orders to fill
what happens in the next 6 hours
$29.14 good price to buy ?
>how to lose money, the thread
what exchanges support the fork? does MEW support the fork?
10x shorted
doesn't the airdrop happen at 5500000 blocks?
latest block was 5498859
so this shouldn't be enough for six more hours, right?
Callisto Arrival 14:49:47 GMT
I highly doubt that there will be an upcoming pump over the next few hours left. should have happened days ago.......
Why pump it after the airdrop? If you pump it before, you get free coins. Obvious dump.
You're supposed to buy AFTER the knife falls, not before.
you'll never be able to top my stupidity:
>back in august NEO suddenly starts dropping hard from ATH
>"oh sweet, I wanted to get some NEO for the RPX ico"
>didn't check the news, buy at 800k sats
>it was because of the china fud, drops way lower than my buy-in
>not even able to buy much RPX during the ico, have to wait fucking ages before they refund most of my NEO
>meanwhile NEO moons back to my buy-in level
>i get my NEO back just after it starts crashing again
>forced to hold during the BTC normie rush
>NEO starts mooning again, fails to break even 600k sats
>fed up i sell at 400k sats
>a month later it moons to 1.5 million sats
oh yeah, not only that, but RPX is a fucking disaster. double cucked.
you did good, OP
obvious levels to risk against, and a good 2:1 probability
Binance. Just buy one ETC and try to withdraw it. Wallet isn't on maintenance. COINCIDENCE? ;)