When I fry eggs thy pop and splash hot oil on me. I tried frying them with butter, margarine and cooking oil...

When I fry eggs thy pop and splash hot oil on me. I tried frying them with butter, margarine and cooking oil. Do you guys have any tips so that doesn't happen?

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use a lower temp

cook on medium heat rather than high

Put your eggs in a little bowl first and then pour.

theres a thing called a lid. you can actually put it on top of the pan and it stops fluids from jumping out of the pan

simply amazing

Put a lid on the frying pan/griddle

>condensation builds on inside of lid
>lift lid to to flip egg over
>accidentally tilt lid as you lift it
>water droplets fall into pan of hot oil
>mfw my face burns off completely

yeah, that actually happens. youre right. a lid isnt a foolproof way to avoid hot liquid splashing on you.

OP, better idea: just take the pan, throw it in the trash, and order pizza

>being that much of a pussy bitch over a few hot oil droplets

man up pls

Use a splatter screen, then.

I get the feeling OP is the sort of person who ovdrcooks his fried eggs, to the point where the white becomes rubbery rather than tender and delicate as it should be.

>afraid of oil

yea i have a tip for you- don't cook.



his pretentious, leftist voice ruined my appetite

These things are AWESOME

If I put the lid It cooks the top in a way I don't like. The eggs don't splash when I put them on the oil. They keep squirting oil everywhere.

Just put the eggs in your toaster then

It's the water in the egg that's making the oil splatter everywhere so crack your eggs open onto a tea towel and pat them dry before dropping them into a pan of hot oil. Works for me every time!

See and use less oil, sounds like you are cooking too hot with too much oil.

I bought my wife a $10 Gotham Steel pan as a joke because she sucked at frying eggs. I swear as stupid as I thought it was, the damn pan works with no oil, butter, or margarine. This is not an ad or infomercial and I don't care if you buy it or the copper pan version or any of them, but I like it and I sometimes use a touch of butter for flavor.

Alton Brown, is that you? Tea towel, food tips, sounds like...Good Eats!

lay the eggs away so the oil will spit away from you.

When i was in college, we weren't allowed to have stoves or hot plates in our dorms, for safety reasons, so we'd use the toaster instead. Two eggs in each slot works fine, let em cook for about 5 minutes or more, depending on how you want them done. When it pops up after the timer goes, it peels the egg off the inside for you, so you just need to turn the toaster upside down and give it a tap or two to get the egg out. Careful with left over breadcrumbs, it can get a bit messy.
Its sorta like poached eggs, just with a bit of charring on the outside from the elements, but if you're so desperate for eggs I'm sure you can look past it.
Works with scrambled eggs too, mix your milk and spices before hand, pour it in and stir it around every now and then with whatever you've got on hand.

Eggs are so fucking versatile, i love em. You can even crack some into a paper bag and chuck it into some coals. The moisture from the egg stops the bottom of the bag from burning away, et voila! Smokey, mess free eggs for breakfast, no pan needed.

nah no way. I've made scrambled eggs in a kettle before but this is taking it too far.

>necessity is the mother of all invention

I saw the egg in a bag trick that is talking about on an episode of 'mad labs' once, they added some strips of bacon too.
Would never have thought anything other than bread and butterknives works in a toaster though.. Go figure

The pans are okay if you get a good one.
The quality control is complete shit and it's a 50/50 shot if you get a good pan versus one that starts sticking immediately or within a week or two.

Reviews for a quality product on Amazon will follow a curve. Most will be 5-star ratings. Slightly less will be 4-star. Even less will be 3-star.
Gotham Steel pans are all 50% 5-star and 25% 1-star. That's not a good sign.

Baste it in the oil. Also a thick pan is needed.

I would never admit to that because I don't want my good name assoiciated with this website.

I mean, I don't think he would ever admit to that because I'm sure he doesn't want his good name associated with this website.

Nice. I did that stuff a few times before hiring a private chef (im a black athlete).

Anyway those tips are legit.

>his pretentious, leftist voice ruined my appetite

Sounds like he runs some leftist hipster blog

>frying eggs in a covered pan



>amerifat egg
fucking hillarious
good job, you now have a piece of rubber

Marinate your eggs in vinegar the night before, dry them thoroughly before cracking it will eliminate the splatter

You have too much oil and/or too high temp.