If you're over the age of 25 and still not married with children on the way you will never be happy. You can try to deny this all you want with any reason but at the end of the day if you aren't on track for having a family its your fault.
You will die a lonely miserable depressed shit life if you don't have a woman to support and love you. You will leave no legacy to carry on your name, people will not remember you, you will not have an impact on your community if you stay single.
You might have a ton of reasons and excuses going through your mind but let me tell you they're all bullshit. "b-but women aren't loyal" "b-but she will leave me after 5-10 years" yeah that's only true if you don't treat women with respect and love.
I've been in a serious relationship for 2 years now and already have a child on the way. I'm 26 years old and have set my self up financially to not be worried for money in the next few years. I treat her with respect and do everything in my power to please her. She is the most important thing in my life. Without her I would be nothing.
If you haven't taken the time to start a family try to begin planning. There's only so much time before you die.