How many times do you reuse your cooking oil before you change it?

How many times do you reuse your cooking oil before you change it?

extra question: anyone worked at fastfood places like KFC or mcdonalds? How many times do they reuse their oil?

I used mine about 5-6 times and by then it's rancid.
Always strain it between uses too.

When he was new, my friend broke a lightbulb over the fryer at a big cafe the day they did their fortnightly oil change, because he was drunk.

Until it loses clarity or starts to smell off when heated. In a fryer I usually go until it starts to smoke a little.

I worked a bit at McDs when younger. We were in the city centre so turnover was really high. I never saw oil being changed, but perhaps in the late evenings.

I think that if you're asking this then you must be using too much oil.

I never have oil left to reuse because I usually sautée some spinach, after cooking the meat, to soak up any remaining oil while deglazing the pan. Or I'll throw my cooked potato chunks in there to soak up the meaty flavour from the oil.

Deep fried chips isn't what I'd consider to be part of a healthy home cooked meal, tbqhwy.

I rarely get the chance. There are very few things I cook that require that I fill a pot with oil. Even fried potatoes can be made delish with just a little.

I filter my peanut oil through a coffee filter after use and store in the fridge, it can last a good few uses before needing changed.

Deep frying isn't actually unhealthy if done properly and even if it was so fucking what.

once because I'm not poor. then down the sink it goes.

>how many times do you deep fry before changing the oil
>if you're asking this you're using too much oil

You're a fucking idiot.

OP, I've worked fry at a busy brew pub type place where half the menu included fried shit and we changed the oil once a week, filtered it at the end of every night, and changed the oil filter/cleaned the filter machine twice a week. As another user said, you can tell when the oil begins to break down based on the look/smell/smoke. Obviously, if you're not a restaurant that's constantly using the oil everyday, keeping it out of light/air and filtering it after every use will extend it's shelf life. At home I filter my oil into big bottles and put bottle caps on them, but I also home brew so I have that sitting around so it's super easy and costs next to nothing.

this isn't your blog bitch, no one wants to hear your life story. especially if you're gonna be an unhelpful retard.

for frying, if you can keep it as clean as possible you can reuse oil for months,

>an unhelpful retard
eat a bucket of oil then.


Reported for making me feel insecure about my poor eating habits!

You'll be poor after you have to redo your plumbing

>>how many times do you deep fry before changing the oil
Who are you quoting? OP didn't say anything about deep frying. It was merely (but barely) implied.

Please reuse your oil for meat. It's perfectly safe to do so!

>he makes fast food
>at home

I'm loving this food """"culture"""".

At a movie theatre i work at, we do it usually once every two days

When I worked in a kitchen the oil would get changed around twice a week and that seemed to work fine.

>fried food = fast food
Good one

>OP didn't say anything about deep frying. It was merely (but barely) implied.

For what other purpose would you re-use cooking oil, if not for deep frying?

mcd's has a filtration system and a tank of oil under the fryers. Every hour or so (x many uses, sometimes more than once an hour) it gets sucked down through the filter into the tank and refilled with cleaner oil. It gets replace once or twice a month, maybe?

>barely implied

The OP picture was literally french fries, and in no other circumstances would you re-use oil other than deep frying. The fuck are you on about?

While I agree the thread was obviously about deep frying, I disagree with your claim that oil isn't re-used for other purposes:

You don't save your bacon drippings for cooking other foods in?

>you don't save your bacon drippings for cooking other foods in?

Sure I do, but saving rendered fat =/= re-using oil (although I have re-used duck fat in the past for frying/confiting, but that's different as you're using large amounts, and it's expensive if you don't regularly cook duck).

>How many times do they reuse their oil?
i used to work part time at a McD when i was in college. you can´t really count how often they use the oil, you´re frying all day. once per day the oil is filtered. you must replace oil at least once a week, shorter intervals if it turns too dark and starts to smoke before the week is over.


>this isn't your blog bitch
Noted, and I apologize.
Sometimes I don't realize how preachy I can be about good nutrition and healthy eating.
I'll pull my head in from now on.
Your body, your life, your choice, etc.

What gave you the impression this was a fucking health food thread? Not everybody has to weight watch like you do.

When deep frying people don't want to waste oil.