Do you really know what Smart Contract is?

Do you really know what Smart Contract is?

Do you really understand the potential of ERC20 networks and DApps?

Seriously; since i have been studying Solidity, all other token sounds like a joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a tool to create ponzi schemes.

Don't think I'm trolling. Life is a ponzi scheme. Everything in life trickles down the profit line.

Ethereum is the tool for a future economy.

Seriously; you sound like a faggot.

I am.. a faggot!

Short term:
Smart Contract is just some text in the blokchain and runing in VM once the wallet read it ? So no big deal.

Long term:
It's fuckings OS Layer in web 3.0, and a lot of jobs gonna disapear.

for a second I thought you made a code of token which checks if you have any money, and if yes than it sends to some other address
or is it? new hot cheap erc20 token you must buy?

the code in your screenshot isn't ERC20 lmao

Congrats user.

I'm also learning solidity because this shit is the future. Very new to OOP but so far solidity is nicer to work with than web3

you need web3 to interact with solidity contracts on the front end...

any good online resources?

I always hear the argument that something won't moon 100x because it's an ERC20 token. Is this a solid argument? Does being run on the Ethereum blockchain create limitations to a token's marketcap?

>Seriously; since i have been studying Solidity, all other token sounds like a joke.
Hi Pajeet!

It's the sample code for a new token, just google how to create an erc20 token and you will find this.
Obviously the balance check is only in the sendCoin() function so you are not able to spend more than you have.

>It's the sample code for a new token
but it's not erc20 compliant - if you were to deploy the token contract featured on it wouldn't work with any wallet out today

Yeah webdev is a fucking mystery to me and I've spent hours trying to sort the web3 out and can't manage it.

Gonna stick to just making projects in remix for a while I think, brain hurts from trying to make a functional ui

Ok thanks for clarifying, shouldn't have written "erc20" in my post



Just use a Trufflebox. Basically, its create-react-app preconfigured to work with Solidity. Google it - plenty of tutorials user.

you don't have to use web3.js - you can use web3J or nethereum if you want to use java/.NET for your dApp

Yes, that's why i bought EOS
