Stage 0: Reluctance >"Crypto's a fucking scam. Lmao if you actually buy that shit"
Stage 1: Bitcoin >"Hmmm okay maybe I'll buy some Bitcoin after all, blockchain is starting to make sense."
Stage 2: Top 10 Alts >"Woah, coins like ETH and LTC have way more room to grow and have a stable following. Fuck BTC, it's a dying old wasteful piece of shit anyway."
Stage 3: Tokens >"Holy shit, tokens like OMG, VEN, LINK, and REQ are going to literally change the world. Fuck ETH and LTC."
Stage 4: Low Cap and ICOs >"At this point, I understand these markets. Shit like OMG and VEN are way too overvalued. I'm going all in on ELA and JNT. Way more room to grow there."
Stage 5: Understanding >"Wait a second, most of these coins and tokens are extremely centralized and sensitive to whether the company can even procure business. Are they still even crypto? I guess I'll just hold. I mean, I'm diversified enough I suppose."
Stage 6: Peak Knowledge >"These tokens and centralized coins defeat the purpose and are literal gambling. Decentralized currencies and commodities like BTC, XMR, ETH, and LTC are basically guaranteed to 40x. Everything else is glorified stock in shitty start-ups, 90% of which will die because the devs just stop updating. Maybe I'll toss 10-20% of my investments into low-cap shit."
>"Let's pump this coin I created and dump on people in Stage 4 & 5"
William Young
Jonathan Murphy
OP you're doing god's work
Landon Moore
Today, OP was not a faggot.
Elijah Barnes
Stage 9: Peaker Knowledge >knowing which are the 90% that will fail and which are the 10% that will succeed and profiting 100-300x with your portfolio by EOY
Chase Russell
Stage 10: >I have read the white paper and understand the project. I understand that the core coins (BTC, ETH, LTC) will continue to underpin the market for at least the next two years for better or for worse. I know the risks of each project and allocate my portfolio accordingly. I do not follow Veeky Forums‘s ‘advice’.
Just by reading the white paper for every project you want to put money in you’re better placed than 90% of the idiots in this market.
Caleb Johnson
If you're this confident in your abilities to accurately call moon trips, quit your jobs right fucking now and go be a VC. If hotshot VCs like Tim Draper can miss Facebook, Google, Uber, and Airbnb, and get stuck holding bags in 90% of his fund's folio, what chance do you have?
Jace Garcia
>If hotshot VCs like Tim Draper can miss Facebook, Google, Uber, and Airbnb, and get stuck holding bags in 90% of his fund's folio, what chance do you have? A pretty good chance I think.
Thomas Stewart
Aiden Brown
>peak knowledge is investing in 3 useless pieces of shit kek
Josiah Lopez
He stole this from reddit you know
Joseph Peterson
This is literally OC that I've been copy pasting for the past day or two. Kill yourself.
Noah Brooks
>trying to force a meme gross
Nolan Lewis
You stole this from reddit
Andrew Jenkins
More like trying to help morons wasting $50k+ on altcoins that they're "really really confident about." I do tend to agree that if you're only working with like $10k, just go all in on shitcoins and cross your fingers that you can catch a moontrip, then go big on BTC and XMR.
Grayson Rivera
Nathan Howard
Why are you resposting the same thread
Julian Wilson
Stage 11
> Nearly understands how blockchain and the real world can’t communicate with each other and blockchain is basically useless for real world use cases. But understanding the most genius whitepaper blockchain can be used by decentralized oracles and invest a major percentage of your portfolio in Chainlink.
Cameron Morgan
Stage 12: Manipulation > "Everything and everyone is bogged."
Stage 14 >wait, OMG is being advised by all of Ethereum, and lightning network, and is basically the lightning network for Ethereum? Shit at least one token is worth owning.