Deep dark secrets thread : I only masturbate to incest porn. And I'm a Virgin

Deep dark secrets thread : I only masturbate to incest porn. And I'm a Virgin.

I bought COSS and I actually believe in the project.

I'm all in BTCP.

I love my fiance, she's really insecure about her looks. I always tell her that she's beautiful and that I love her the way she is.

Deep down I wish she was more beautiful. I know I could do better but I fell in love for who she is. After I fell in love I do see her in a better light but I feel like I'll always wonder what it feels like to be mesmerized by your gfs beauty and know that shes yours and loves you back. The whole thing.

>my fiancé jerks me off while we're watching incest porn

Don't see the problem, really.

I know my dad is gay but he’s still married to my mom. Haven’t said a word to him or anyone. He’s a great man and an unbelievable father and puts everyone ahead of himself. My mom is batshit crazy and is completely dependent on him (can’t use phones, doesn’t drive etc).

I’ve no doubt he was straight but he’s definitely at heavily bisexual now. Doesn’t change my feelings for him at all. I’d consider it a massive accomplishment if I end up being able to care for others and be as selfless as him.

Thanks for letting me talk user.

How would you know?

Do you have any siblings?


I think we know the answer to that already, user.

When I was 14, found gaydar in the search engine on the computer. Thought nothing of it. Another time a few years later he left himself logged into a gay site with a profile. Then recently enough I was using his iPad, it’s linked with his phone. Another gay dating site for older men.

Tbh idgaf, he has given me unconditional love and support and so much advice. I don’t care who he sleeps with or what gets his motors going. Between caring for he family, his best friend who has early stage Alzheimer’s and his wife bailed, my nan has dementia and my grandad passed there recently. He just takes it, carries on. Everything I aspire to be as a man, without the gay thing obviously since I’m straight.

Tell your sister

I have the right to remain silent.

Obviously he doesn't.
Incest is fav fetish for the only childs.

Tell your faggot dad he’s going to hell

I tried to be on the receiving end on anal sex. Was rly not for me, and just stopped it. Still kind of regret it, but time makes it better. Good thing that at least he was my boy friend and I like him, I'm just normally on top.

So yea, took cock in the butt. Anyone else?

His dad fucked him

This isn't /b/ you fucking retard.

I nearly believed Veeky Forums digibyte shills.
It was my first month.

im starting to think i may be subconsciously gay, attracted to women of all sorts but everytime im having sex i always try to stick it in her pooper, have no time for the vagoo, does nothing for me, im also only attracted to much older women (im 23, like 40+ women) and would rather fuck a 5/10 milf than a 8/10 20 year old, my standards are shot to shit and im 40% in ven.

I believe BCH will one day hit $10k

I am a top too, but i have multiple open relationship
There is no way i will fuck only one person in a country where i can legally sodomize 14yo boys

Thanks god for not making me and american

Really attractive girls have shittier attitudes, 0 personality or interests and are much quicker to cuck you or monkey branch

>where i can legally sodomize 14yo boys
where you living?.

Over the weekend I was really constipated so I used a glycerin suppository, I was watching the charts at the time waiting for a good short opportunity. After about 15 minutes nothing had happened and I didn't want to miss my entry then I sneezed. Massively shit myself but waited another 30 minutes till after I'd entered my short before cleaning myself up. Make a nice profit but I think I might take a few days off trading.

like 50% of people think "incest" porn is hot. it's not like they're actually attracted to their real family members, it's just hot because of the idea of the closeness you have.

"incest" porn is actually pretty wholesome.

I'm assuming you're not talking about kiddy shit here.

>literal pedophile
Holy shit, how does 14 y.o boypussy feel?

With a couple thousand bucks you are a fucking king here

Soft and very receptive
And their moan is the best sound your hears can hear

I am not a pedo
Pedo is people who have sex with -12yo

I never watched porn, I read sex stories online they we're much more of a turn on. Actually not such a dark secret, but my favourite stories were brother/sister incest stories.

You're a disgusting faget generate monkey either way.

I kinda wona get gangbanged by a bunch of black dudes with massive dicks...


took cock in the butt, but bf doesn't really like to be top. Shame because I like it :/

Hi american

No you're definitely a pedo, anything under 18 is just fucking gross unless you're like 20 and your girl is 16, she's really to young to know that its just her hormones but its acceptable in my view.

IMO you're a pedo but atleast you're not raping them (I hope)

I dont get it. I thought gay couple took turn fucking each others ass? Did the other guy get limp after getting fucked in the ass?

Nice try CIA

he's pure Estrogen

Not "american". EU.
Nice coping faggot.