Homemade mac and cheese

Gotta love it

You cultivate the wheat yourself?


Post your recipe

4 tablespoons of butter
Cheese packet
Boiled noodles

Stir together

wa la

Bone apple tea,my man.


Pretty much how I do my technique, but I have a secret addition passed down from previous generations of my family.....

[spoiler]a good black peppering and a dose of ketchup while mixing in the cheese[/spoiler]


This is a harsh truth, but Velveeta usually tastes better than most people's homemade macaroni and cheese.

Depends on how they made it...but I mean, even Velveeta becomes about five times better (as does Kraft) if you actually dump in a bunch of shredded cheddar and melt it until it's consistent with the sauce

velveeta is pig disgusting, Kraft Mac and cheese with sharp cheddar and milk added fucking blows it away

I like to use a mix of Velveeta and real cheese in my mac 'n cheese. I also like to add smoked sausage and/or bacon.

I think you're confusing that for Mexicans and Indians

What is velveeta? We dont have it here, is it chedder flavored? Is it similar to kraft cream cheese?




I fucking hate it, and there's literally nothing you can do to make it editable.

I used to make Kraft mac & cheese with 1 cm thickness of butter from the stick and a little milk.

my aunt came over once and threw half the stick of butter in her mac & cheese and I gagged.

Velveeta is "good" in the same way that cheez whiz is good. After a couple of bites, you really start tasting the chemicaly taste.

thats the recipe lol

1 tbsp butter, 1/3 cup milk, cheese powder

>implying soul food mac and cheese is not the best
I've got an aunt that makes mac and cheese that I would literally kick a puppy in the face for. I don't know how she makes it, but I know it includes red and black sticks of cracker barrel cheeses and goes in the oven to finish melting cheese on top.

One time I was out of milk, so I just used extra butter. It was delicious, but I felt horrible and didn't eat for the rest of the day.

I really don't know. It's a block of artificial cheese that doesn't actually taste like cheese at all. It's not sharp, more like solidified milk fat with a unique flavor.
