Favorite amphetamine Veeky Forums?

Favorite amphetamine Veeky Forums?

I'm on Adderall IR right now but I soon hope to switch off as the recommended dosage just makes me sleepy, anxious, and makes it hard to study. Thinking about switching to Vyvanse.

Currently using 3-FPM. Research chemical. Works quite well.

I'm rather a fan of the 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-chloro-3-phenyl-4,1-ethyl-diphenchloromethamphetamine

>when being junky is considered Veeky Forums

Neuropharmacology is the hardest science.

Lrn2AlexanderShulgin faggot

non-mathfag detected

Dexphetamine for studying, racemic for physical activities.

Though given the cost of dex I'll often stick to straight racemic salts (sulphate mostly).


Desoxyn for serious workloads and black tea for late nights/early mornings.
Not an amphetamine, try again.

I'm looking forward to VR amphetamines.

3,4-MethylenedioxymethAMPHETAMINE (MDMA)

>nobody listing methamphetamine

how do you retards get your hands on this kind of medication? are all of you defective?

Fuck off and die

Pervitin, duh.

I probably prefer amphetamines overall but I'm chronically underweight and they fuck with my appetite real bad, dex or mixed salt, and I struggle to maintain a steady plasma concentration (never tried Vyvanse though). I'm on Concerta now with IR mph to modulate as I see fit. If they made OROS amphetamines I'd be all over it.

>Not an amphetamine
what is this red part then?
looks like an amphetamine to me.

>how do you retards get your hands on this kind of medication?
just synthesize it in ur basement or if you're feeling cheeky at your uni.

Also beyond ADD meds, MDMA is unironically my favorite psychoactive. It makes me crush on people super duper hard though so I gotta be careful with it but it's just such a lovely and gentle thing.

I don't like the XR. IR all the way. XR drags forever.

I don't understand why MDMA is preferred over it. MDA lasts longer and is trippier.

I've never tried MDA so I can't comment, but the relative lucidity is one of the things I like about MDMA. It's such a clear headed high and it fosters such great emotional connection between people.

On Adderall IR
>can set up an alarm and get up after 5 minute snooze
>have drive to try and improve my life
>believe that my thinking changes with my actions
>can return to a task after a distraction
>can practice delayed gratification
>higher working memory
>enjoy math and logic classes and can pay attention for longer periods of time
>BUT when not doing schoolwork, I sometimes spend hours viewing porn
Off Adderall
>shut off alarm, go back to sleep
>ruminate on how shitty a person I was/am
>put shit off because my mood is down
>believe actions change with thinking
>no interest or desire to focus on anything
>no working memory
>ignore math/logic homework
>quicker (~30 mins) porn sessions (as opposed to 2-3 hours)

I'm sure that adderall creates and uses unusual neural pathways, and I know my sober brain won't use them. I've been on Adderall IR for a year now, and I want to stop after college. How can I learn to focus and enjoy things again?

Stimulants are basically the most perfect psychiatric med ever conceived. ADHD is understood extremely well compared to almost every other psychiatric disorder, and not only do stimulants treat like every single symptom, they work because they act almost exclusively on the exact parts of the brain that are understimulated in folks with ADHD. They're practically miracle drugs for people like you and me.

If you want to get off them then there are other methods you can use (and should be using in concert with anyway) instead of ADHD meds, but you shouldn't feel guilty about taking them at a therapeutic dose. That's dumb and self defeating.

Are there any amphetamines that don't make your vision go blurry after a while? Usually when I hit 2 days of no sleep things start getting a bit blurry. 3 days and I basically start hallucinating if I stare in one place for too long.

>My favorite mathematician did drugs, so maybe if I do drugs I'll be smart too.

>My favorite X did Y, so maybe if I do Y I'll be X too.

This model fits almost every Veeky Forums poster.

That's because of no sleep, not the amphetamines.

MDA isn't really that trippy compared to things like LSD or 2C-somethings. Its visuals are the same sort of closed eye shit that you get on MDMA, but "turned up".
It also feels "cleaner" than MDMA - less "sketchy".

This is almost exactly me. including the porn thing. I don't even like porn that much but when I'm on Addy it's like it stays interesting all day. I've edged for hours and hours before and I never understand how I could be so perverted and existentially pathetic when I come down. Try to avoid porn is all I will say. It just hijacks your brain in a way that's not even fair.

I'm on IR too. 20mg in morning, another 20mg in afternoon. I dunno, I got diagnosed as an adult so I learned pretty good coping skills since I never had it all growing up. I also accepted that I just have a spacey, over-imaginative personality. I know most people on this board probably think MBTI is cancer, but I test as INTP and it helped me understand what I can change about myself and what is just my personality. A lot of my traits seem like AD/HD but that's just how I actually am lol. Probably why I never got diagnosed for so long.

Try not to use Addy as a crutch. I'm not trying to be mean because I know how hard it can be to wake up in the morning. Especially if you are disorganized or overwhelmed when you try to start the day. But there's a pretty easy fix to that. Just be more disciplined about going to bed a little earlier, and spend literally 5 minutes planning for the next day, rather than just "winging it" like we are wont to do. I only say that because it's a good litmus test. If you can't do something as simple as waking up, it's just bad habits. Not AD/HD. AD/HD probably somewhat caused you to develop bad habits, but it's still just your attitude in the way. Medicine can't fix ur attitude.

Hope that wasn't harsh hang in there user.

I agree with everything you said but don't you feel like it does stimulate other parts of your system that don't need it? At least to some extent? I always find I am more emotional when I take a full dose and it peaks. I'm either really empathetic and optimistic or strangely aggressive, depending on the day. I think it does stimulate other stuff.

And eye strain. You don't realize you haven't been blinking or giving your eyes even a 5 minute break over multiple hours of reading or gayming or whatever it is.


I thought that was John Paul Sartre. I was about to check you. Glad I was too lazy. Have a great day.

That's not use of amphetamines, that's abuse of amphetamines.

Go to your doctor and say "Man I'm so stressed out about finals; I'm so anxious I can barely even study."

Walk out with a prescription for medical LSD or whatever this thread is about.

Thank you for the thoughtful advice, anons.

I've also been looking into Meditation, and I'm currently reading up on Zen out of curiosity. I try to meditate for 2 minutes a day, and I'm improving at it, slowly.

Going from the second replier, I think I'll try taking a day off from Addy on the weekend, during which I follow a schedule I made the night before. I'm pretty good about waking up, it's the tiredness in the 4 or so hours afterwards that I fail at.

Schedule appt. with psych.

Read Wikipedia on symptoms of ADD

Literally list some and tell him you have trouble focusing

Suddenly amphetamines.

I think what they mean is that MDMA's profile of effects is so different from a traditional amphetamine that it might as well be a different chemical. It has an amphetamine base, but it is not really amphetamine-like when it comes to the effects.

Compare to 2FA or dexedrine, MDMA has a whole lot more serotonergic activity and affects the user's emotions, you're way more touchy-feely. Also it doesn't have the same motivational strength or "lets get up and do things" sensation of impetus to get work done that regular amphetamines have. If you want an example of this, try taking some when you're tired, it really won't be very stimulating whereas most amphetamines would wake you the fuck up

My getting prescribed amphetamines for depression was probably highly unusual.

>lol amphetamines, only mathematicians understand XD
Are mathematicians here the Veeky Forums equivalent of engineers on 9gag?

sometimes it helps motivate me and partially relieve my feelings of anhedonia/psychomotor retardation, but i don't really feel cured. i just feel like i'm on drugs, and honestly, although it sounds contradictory, i can sometimes still feel depressed and anhedonic underneath the amphetamine effects.

on top of that it's very dangerous to be taking amphetamines if you have bipolar disorder or something, because those comedowns can be pretty ruthless.

I'm StraightXedgE for life.

Almost no mathematicians do any drugs, faggot. Most I know don't even drink on special occassions.