Why do girls become interested in sex before they're ready to start reproducing?

Why do girls become interested in sex before they're ready to start reproducing?

Different societies around the world have different opinions on when a girl should start having sex. Here in England the law says it shouldn't be before age 16. A foraging tribe in the jungle may believe it shouldn't be until after a girl has her first period.

But the reality is that girls (and boys, for that matter) usually develop a sex drive at about 12. This seems to be the kind of age that nature intended for girls to start seeking out and attracting sexual partners. What's interesting is that at 12 most girls aren't yet reliably fertile and it's rare for girls to become pregnant at that age if having unprotected sex.

So what could be the function of a girl's pre-fertile sex drive? Attracting potential husbands? Getting male attention and inciting them to compete over her?

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>So what could be the function of a girl's pre-fertile sex drive?
False premise. Not every trait exhibited by a species must be functional.

> Why do kids who go through puberty want to fuck


>sex drive
What? Your functionalism theory is wrong.

People has desire to fug from the moment they are born. And it's not related to reproduction.

You're operating under the typical delusion that biology and evolution have intentions or are required to make sense

Because all women are whores.

But why are they whores? To get male attention?

This. Evolution has produced what has "worked so far, even if it's not perfect".

most women are whores

whore: To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations

This payment doesnt have to be money; it can be attention or power

Men are disposable since one man can have thousands of kids but women can only have max of twenty. supply and demand

thus, this makes women more powerful when it comes to sexual reproduction since they are the choosers of which chads sperm they want

all people without the help of psychedelics crave power in some fashion. Since women have power over sex and generally not any other forms of power when young, they will maximize this power they best they can when they are young and probably throughout the rest of their lives

Your basic assumption is a bit off. Girls are curious about sex and intimacy before sexual maturity, but that's not the same thing as promiscuity or lasciviousness.

In general, it's boys who want to start doing physical things like touching and fucking before their bodies are ready. Most girls follow a simple progression through intimacy, starting with the least dangerous activities and moving on to the most dangerous (danger of course meaning the risk of getting pregnant). Jumping straight to intercourse is unusual and in most cases reveals something abnormal.

Girls start feeling attraction around 8 years of age, but outwardly it manifests as the opposite: they are hostile towards and repelled by their crush. Later on, around 12 years old, this behavior gives way to shyness, deliberately avoiding the boy she likes and being awkward around him. This phase lasts until around 14 or 15 (later in some cases, if she has a shy personality in general), around which time she will start to seek and reciprocate affection.

In this way we see that nature is preparing her for the eventuality of sex. Inhibitions towards physical contact are much stronger in girls than boys, which is why boys usually have to initiate and provoke physical contact.

Flirting is extremely import for girls. The entire psychology of a girl can be assessed based on how and how well she flirts. Girls who are going to become promiscuous women are much aggressive and far less discriminating with their flirting. Their reproductive value is low, so they have to sell themselves cheap, or risk being overlooked. Girls who are playful but not overeager to flirt occupy the middle ground. Their reproductive value is good, so they can afford to string boys along and be selective. Girls who are disinclined towards flirting either have a very high reproductive value or no sex drive at all. It can be difficult to distinguish these two except by getting to know the girl better.

Females are as a rule most selective about sexual partners in adolescence, because their reproductive value is highest then. A very lazy metaphor would be how we take better care of things that are brand new (like a car or a pair of shoes) than something that is old.

But to answer your original question, the fact that sexual curiosity and sexual maturity do not overlap exactly can only mean that one is meant to proceed the other and has a definite reason for proceeding. Girls need to learn how to interact with boys, how to flirt with and appraise them prior to (!) reaching that age at which their bodies start craving physical contact.

I can't even say for certain they do. However, I can say beyond at doubt that plenty of boys start wanking it out long before their first cummies.

>Why do girls become interested in sex before they're ready to start reproducing
Why they shouldn't

I never said they were necessarily promiscuous at that age, just that they very often want to have sex. They may experience attraction before then but it's about 12 that they develop a physical drive to have sex. I've spoken to women about this and they usually say it was about 12 that they started getting strong urges to have sex and this was reflected in dressing more sexually. Many women say the physical urges to have sex at that age were so strong that it was almost painful in their vaginas.

Fuck you and your psychobabble.
My wife wanted to do sexual things as long as she can remember.

then your wife is a whore

Rhetoric does not invalidate his point - sweeping generalizations comment he responded to is complete bullshit.

BTW, promiscuous women are much better in bed.

Everything in that post is spot on. Don't be mad because you married a slut

Not married breh, sorry you fuck boring women.

sorry you enjoy sloppy seconds

pussy gets old like bread, not like wine amigo

found the virgin

found the manlet with no standards

>implying women are capable of being non-boring

look up a list of the youngest births, it's on wikipedia. Then just feel sad.

>hurr durr the only achievement in a man's life should be to penetrate slut holes
Sissified pussywhipped nu-male detected. You are so brainwashed that you completely forgot about all the non-sexual things which distinguish men from women and make men superior to women. You just threw away the entirety of human civilization and cultural evolution, so you could become a monkey again who only cares about sex. Oh wait, even monkeys have more diverse skills. You became something lower than a monkey. A woman.


>Not every trait exhibited by a species must be functional.
However there is a selection pressure against dysfunctional traits. Girls at the age of 10 - 12 can in some cases be capable of pregnancies but this ends in fistula. There are countries where this is rather common.

So the question remains: why, in spite of the problems?

>What's interesting is that at 12 most girls aren't yet reliably fertile and it's rare for girls to become pregnant at that age if having unprotected sex.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[citation needed]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

>So the question remains: why, in spite of the problems?

It must be that the benefits that come with being sexual at that age (getting male attention etc) outweigh the risks of the occasional disastrous pregnancy.

Come, on. Those are extremely rare cases.

>occasional disastrous pregnancy
Well, in certain parts of the world this is not "occasional", it is the norm. It is so serious that the smell of urine is in the air in these villages.

Of course if it goes in the opposite direction there is a huge risk of sepsis.

That got me hard as a rock broham

>Well, in certain parts of the world this is not "occasional", it is the norm.

I don't believe it's that common. Evolution would select against genes that cause pregnancy to be common at that age.


I had shitloads of sexdrive at the age of 9.

Beat that meinen nigger

>I don't believe it's that common.
You don't have to believe, just look it up:

>An estimated 2 million women in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Arab region, and Latin America and the Caribbean are living with this injury, and some 50,000 to 100,000 new cases develop each year.[3][4][5]

100,000 cases per year in a population of about 6 billion doesn't sound too bad.

6 billion is the world population. The regions listed in have a much lower population. The problems are the worst in macho cultures where women are supposed to be naked, pregnant and chained to the kitchen sink. There are still places in the world where people believe sex with a virgin will cure all sorts of illnesses and to make sure they are virgins you have to aim low.

Of course attraction plummets after fistula because of the smell alone. Sepsis often means curtains so the problem is far less visible.

Oh, so you're talking about kids getting raped and injured, not 12 year old girls wanting to have consensual sex.

Seems this thread was made to justify OP's attraction to 12 year olds.

Partly. But there is also a genuine evolutionary puzzle here.

I don't know what you're saying, OP, I didn't even know what sex was at that age, let alone have sexual attraction to a boy.

When did your sex drive kick in? Genuinely curious.

Y'all people need Jesus.

I started masturbating at age of 18, but I generally never felt sexual attraction unless I'm emotionally close to a person. Maybe it's just my case. Looking at naked bodies of either male or female does nothing for me. Same case with porn. Feels like watching a detergent commercial.

You're definitely an outlier. Most girls get a sex drive about 12. Talk to some women and ask them.

I would also like to add, that at that age, the boys were the one interested in sex far more than any girl. Girls were more at the stage of ew, boys. It was around 14 when my classmates started forming relationships, but they did not have sex. Sex usually happened at around 16/17.

Most of my friends at that stage were girls and even now I have lots of female friends. As I said, none of them were interested in sex at that age. Maybe it's because we grew up in different times (90s) or because I'm from Eastern Europe, I'm not sure. I'd say West is more sexualized with all that beauty kid pageants, little girls dancing provocatively etc.

His personal experience

>gif associated sepsis

Didn't know what you meant with the smell of urine, googled it.. i feel sick

The world population is at 7.5bn, though the numbers of GIF caused by early pregnancies may be massively underestimated due to the difficulty to access these areas.

>kids getting raped
Basically yes. Add some political correctness and good luck in getting much objective reporting on this.

>i feel sick
Yeah, even though this is 4ch I still want to remain tasteful. Many parts of the world are truly messed up.

>difficulty to access these areas
Good points.


Probably to do with getting male attention and being chosen as a wife. Women in ancestral societies were married off much earlier than today, typically about 12-16, as they were on the verge of reproductive age. This makes biological sense since by acquiring a female just before she reaches reproductive age a man can potentially have all her fertile years to himself and would start getting offspring from her quickly. If this was the typical age girls were acquired as wives we would expect them to have evolved to do what they can to get chosen by the best men.

Growing eye-catching perky boobs at this age is probably one such thing. Have you ever seen what woman's boobs look like in a natural hunter-gatherer society? Gross. By the time a woman's in her 20s she's had a baby or two and her boobs have gone saggy from breast feeding. The boobs of a childless 14 year old girl on the other hand are deliciously perky and grab your attention. That's what they're for. They're an honest signal saying "I haven't started reproducing yet but I'm close to doing so, so now's the best time to pick my as a wife. Come and get me, lads!".


Becoming interested in sex and behaving more sexually is probably another way of getting male attention. Imagine some mutation happened that made a girl become interested in sex a few years before reaching actual reproductive age, around the time she was typically chosen as a wife. It's easy to imagine that a girl with this mutation would get more attention from the males and the males would be more likely to compete for her. Mating in prehistory wasn't as peaceful and civilised as it is today. All across the animal kingdom the males fight and often kill each other over the females and there's no reason to think our species was any different. In fact we know it isn't because we see men fighting over girls in primitive hunter-gatherer societies today. Even in the so-called gentle, peaceful Kalahari tribe the men often fight with each other for the right to marry a young girl who's just grown a pair of boobs and is approaching reproductive age. When a girl sprouts boobs and starts behaving more sexually the men notice and want her for themselves. Imagine them thinking and saying: "Oh, she's so lovely, I want her! Back off, I'm having this one. I said back off, she's mine! You wanna fight, do ya?". She gets male attention and the males are incited to compete for her. That's exactly how the system is supposed to work.

This means releasing a gene editing CRISPS virus to mutate reproductive age 5 years up would annihilate practically all of South America, Africa, Middle East, large parts of Russia and India and Oceania.

How long before someone weaponize CRISPS/Cas9?

Women are hedonists and their enemy is boredom, effort, risk, danger.
Fortunately, men are desperate enough to feel relevant, so they are pushy enough to try to be noticed by women (because they fail to be relevant beyond women). and sooner or later, they cracks the bf-shield

Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women, smarter, stronger (in forgetting that women do not need to be so, because men want to be so in place of women)

Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, more of a little minx, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.

>Their reproductive value
yeah, only betas believe in this. good that we know that you are worthless.

Two very one dimensional perspectives on gender. Childish, false, and r9kesk. You have not identified the main primitive genetic driver of female behaviour. I don't really know to start as response to your brabble. From person to person the importance of primitive genetics is varying. A rather simple female character where you will find primitive behaviour predominant, may prefer to focus on attracting a suitble man to "raise a child", and not, as you claim, "be entertained". As another user wrote last week, a suitable man would preferably have a stable and dominant personality, would not argue with women as equals, show little to no signs of anger as a reaction personal insult (except when challenged in territory) while still being approachable and sociable etc. Your view on womens sexual needs may only fit the profile of a fraction of them, since you will find them at very different stages of decadence and relationship experience.

How does a girl know her reproductive value?


It's just the female nature to be a slut.


fucking christurds, go back to your church

>6 billion is the world population. The regions listed in have a much lower population.
>implying that africa, asia, the arab region, latin america combined have a low population
>asia alone has like 3bn pop

The 8s and 9s are all really just 7s with better makeup.

Roll I guess?

>why do females become interested in the most powerful tool of psychological warfare and control before it becomes dangerous to use
Jee, I wonder.

Who says they know?

They all think they will bag the currently considered hottest actor anytime now.

Evolution does not always end up as the best alternative

and they will with a bit of effort, but not for long

The moral values of society are broken. Kids have sex in their faces every day and any kid with a working brain wants to act as mature as they can get away with.

We've all become shitty people, and we are raising shittier people. It's not a difficult concept.

c'mon, we're trying to find why it's only natural

sooner the better

good idea for hentai manga series, noted.

thanks to Führer forever that he cleansed us of anything below five.

I am guessing that, despite the fact that most are not fertile at that age, those that have a higher sex drive earlier reproduce more frequently than those that only develop a sex drive around the time that most people are most fertile.

When a girl rubs her omanko she feels kimochii.
This conditioned response is the basic science behind the interest in sex.

what is morality?

women love to be taken care of
men love to be noticed by women, so they love to take care of women

=>everybody wins

Patriarchy demands it.


>Heterosexism and patriarchy collude to create an expectation of pregnancy for all women. In addition, the bodily production of pregnancy has been socially gendered as feminine because of its association with female-bodied people. These two ideological codes—that all women should become mothers through pregnancy and that pregnancy is a femininely gendered endeavor—suggest conundrums for masculine lesbians. This study relies on interview data with 14 childfree masculine-identified lesbians about the ways in which they are able (or unable) to imagine themselves as pregnant people in their future lives. Participants’ navigation of the concept of pregnancy reveal the complexity of gendered bodies and gender practice.

Exactly. I started boning when I was 7. :/
Did it because it felt good...

okay Sigmund

I realise that. It is however hard to understand how it could select for something so damaging. Sepsis usually means curtains.

But will they be satisfied to have their children?

I fear it is only a question of time, it is way too obvious not to pursue.

Funny thing is, quite a lot (most?) of cultures have a concept of morals and also of fate. Do something wrong and see fate catching up with you. If negative action generally didn't have any repercussions the world would have looked very, very differently.

Freud pls go

this is all the privileges that women earn thanks to men caring about sex.

Not sure about how big a difference there is, but I know for a fact boys develop an interest before they can cum, because I was one.

I think most questions about non-reproductive sexual behavior can be answered by pleasure, sex feels great because it's necessary to reproduce, and from there people will pursue the great feeling in itself.

Precisely, evolution isn't survival of the fittest so much as survival of the good enough. If something survives a long period of evolution, it's probably not fundamentally self-destructive, but it's not necessarily essential or "nature's wisdom," either.

What countries are there free female contraceptives?

As for the abortion case it should be that if at least 1 person doesn't want the child it must be aborted ASAP, whether female or male who says no to abort likes it or not.
If that person who didn't want to abort wants a child they should move on and find someone else who wants their genes shared. Problem solved.

>As for the abortion case it should be that if at least 1 person doesn't want the child it must be aborted ASAP, whether female or male who says no to abort likes it or not.
That's fucking batshit insane, with how many women are religiously against abortion. Christians will start a fucking civil war and bomb more clinics. I'd say it's reasonable to suggest if the father wants abortion from the start he has no obligation to be involved, but you still shouldn't have stuck your dick in crazy.


Females know their value (physical looks) dissipates the older they become... they use their youth to parlay the best possible outcome. Many actually believe that they're better than men or that they don't need one... until their fruit begins to rot and they start noticing that some of their peers are married and living much happier lives.

Because older retards keep abusing them verbally until they cede.

You rarely see 20 - 25 year old women trying to convince 14 - 16 year old boys to have sex with them, but since guys are the faggots losers usually it's the older guys than have to manipulate young naive girls in order to rub their penis inside vaginal walls.

>value (physical looks)
says who, besides a few betas?

>>You rarely see 20 - 25 year old women trying to convince 14 - 16 year old boys to have sex with them
this, girls do not need to make effort to find guys (of any age) happy to be noticed by them and then trying to please them.

Even 40 yo women manage to find teen boys who are happy (and being proud) providing sex for these women.

>manipulate young naive girls
kek. it is women who manipulate men. and naive girls exists only in melodrama movie. they all pragmatic sluts. no exception.

>implying women have anything else


To widen their vaginas, presumably.

-most women are average in beauty
-most men are average in beauty
-men are proud to be with average women
-men cry and kill themselves when no average girl notice them
-after being unnoticed for a long time, men admit that what they want is just a girl to hug them and talk to them, ''they do not even want sex''

>interested in sex
pick one

>not a beta

I do not interact with women because I am in a higher plane of existence to them; A different dimension might you say. If they possessed the intellectual acuity they could cross the void and gaze upon my supreme being. But alas the "minds" (if you can call such an undeveloped specimen that) are more suited to wanton plebiscite behaviour such as coitus.