We're rapidly approaching the point where people can be controlled by technology, right down to their emotions...

We're rapidly approaching the point where people can be controlled by technology, right down to their emotions, thoughts, and genes. Who they are can be changed.

The real question is, who will benefit from this?
The people with access to ridiculously powerful technology, like doctors and army officers, won't want to be on the receiving end of this manipulation. Will it become a case of manipulate or be manipulated?

What will happen when designer babies become common? Will we see the rich become almost identical, or will some Darwinian selfishness survive?

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Well obviously the future will benefit from this, damn, I wish I could see the day humanity ends itself...
Because that's bound to happen
Someones going to do some stupid shit, and its all over

But everything ends, that's why I don't get the scientific terror that's grown up around GIs lately, we need to develop them to leave some form of civilisation behind when mankind dies out. It's an inevitable process.

>like doctors and army officers

The only ones that won't be manipulated are the ones doing the manipulating ie plutocrats.

>What will happen when designer babies become common?
The rich will probably try to benefit from it, but they usually care only about themselves, and since designer babies concerns the next generation, they won't care so much unless it somehow benefits their own lives. The common population will definitely benefit from designer babies though, if it becomes widespread.

If your question regards the general future of technology the social implications, this is the most likely scenario: the world continues with capitalism -> plutocrats control everything -> plutocrats get the best of the technology and try to become richer and more powerful with it -> they become more powerful to the detriment of the population -> when this reaches the point of no return, either the population revolts to overthrow the rich and succeed OR their manipulation continues in perpetuity, with no chance of reversal. Keep in mind this might not seem like it now, but we could be talking about a situation hundreds of years from now. The gap just grows larger and larger, and unless something disrupts it, it is inevitable that it reaches the breaking point.

>until it reaches a breaking point
>Brave New World
>Forever War
>all the science fiction classics are coming to life recently
It's gonna be an interesting couple of years.

it will help us better understand and technically define psychological phenomenas and morals and perception of art.

>What will happen when designer babies become common?
Less deseases at first but in the end we will realize that the process of random mutation is indeed the safest way for a species to survive.

In the long run we are aiming for singularity, since accumulating and combining matter is our only purpose.

Imho It's naive to think that consciousness is bound to a gooey pink pile of rotting flesh.

What is so wrong about the idea that we're slowly uploading our collective consciousness to a new medium, so we can live eons instead of years.

"we" I wasn't allowed to belong to your society, without direct upload, all the things I am die with my body.

It's funny because when I watched that movie I thought that their society was 100% right and the mc was a cunt risking lives for his own selfish desire.

the idea was he was able to push himself and overcome the heart condition, but yeah, you don't fuck with spaceflight protocols

>We're rapidly approaching the point where people can be controlled by technology, right down to their emotions, thoughts

We passed that point nearly 80 years ago. It's how American citizens has managed to accept undeclared war after war and willfully become a surveillance state. If you use a smart phone or use credit cards then you've been brainwashed to joyfully participate in this. It's been the policy of government to manipulate it's citizens for ages. The only thing that changes are the tools. Don't worry user, by the time they're using their "technology" to control all that stuff you're worried about you'll already be brainwashed into praising it and loving it.

but social media is so inconvenient, hell, even here I have a hard time getting (you)s and actually having a conversation

by the time people are nothing more than meat popsicles, I'll still be on the sidelines as an observer wondering how they integrate so smoothly

Do not forget Das Kapital, the prophecy of the world revolution due to globalism

'due to the flaws inherent in', maybe, I'm half-tempted people are taking their favorite text, sectarian or secular, and attempting to make it reality.

I'm rooting for starship troopers, myself, but then the only thing I want to see a reality is common spacefaring and ubiquitous powered exoskeletons. I'll do without The Troubles, thank you.

>half-tempted to say

With everything you do, you contribute a little part to our advance, cant you see that? If no one hears a tree fall, does it really make a sound?

You should play egosofts X-series than and read its timeline (hard to find these days though). Its story is a dream and a nightmare at the same time

been looking at that and wondering if the hype was worth it

if a man hears a tree fall in the forest and tells no one else of it before he dies, did it ever matter that the man was there to hear it?

we and our are irrelevant terms, I have my goals, and while they may collude with your collective advancement, I won't trust you with my posterity- I've read enough history to know better what can be lost in two generations or even within the first.

I am not talking about Rebirth, more the old titles and the story to them. Rebirth ads literally nothing to the story, it appears more like a shitty spin-off today

copy that, just the regular X

Rich people won't be any more powerful than they are today. Technology isn't made for the powerful, it is made for the masses and therefore must be relatively cheap and accessible. Rich people are just better able to afford purchasing lots of things. Future technology won't create some sort of power struggle, rich people will just buy paintings and sports cars like they do right now.

This thread is cringe as fuck.

all this doom and gloom leaves me feeling ambiguous. seems like a lot more good is possible than bad - in fact, that's the history of tech. yet on the other hand i also know the proclivity for violence and abuse of new technologies - and the advances we're making now put us on the level of species-creators, so idk

i continue to remain optimistic and believe in people i guess. love will conquer us all. i will survive!

You all fail to realize that everybody on earth but the true idiots realize they are subject to media manipulation. Also, nobody is actively pulling the strings behind social media, news and other sources. It's a chaotic bunch of people all wanting to promote their beliefs.

As for designer babies, many rich people are very egotistical or just don't care about having super genius babies. It's not like you can brag about having a genius kid when they're not really your children.

>Technology isn't made for the powerful, it is made for the masses
This was never true. It's made for the rich and then the rich help indirectly subsidize it for the poor

>Mein Kampf
"Every educated person is a future enemy."
- Martin Bormann

>It's not like you can brag about having a genius kid when they're not really your children.
Well, they don't care about having real hairlines or real noses. Why would children be any different?

He said that in the context of slavs, who he had plans to mould into illiterate workdogs.

Yep. Don't know why illiterate workdogs would be necessary in an age of automation.
If anything, the main focus would be on cutting the non-elite population down in ways that wouldn't incite rebellion.

Designer babies will be available to all in certain asian countries. Withing five years we will probably be able to increase the average IQ of in vitro babies by 8 -10 points, which is not terribly expensive.

There are more of these?



But it's not really science.

Came to this board to ask something about the modern atomic model and saw a familiar looking gif, that's all. Thanks for the source.

>The rich will probably try to benefit from it, but they usually care only about themselves

Citation needed.

You need to be rich before you can be a philanthropist.

Social work or other charitable acts can be done with a moderately low source of income

Yes but you will never make the real, significant, exponential and permanent differences in history and the world, the way someone like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Jew Cuckerberg can

My issue is just with the liberal mainstream narrative that rich people are greedy, evil, heartless old white men in suits and ties who eat orphans for breakfast and then laugh about how they're going to fuck poor people over that day.

It's a very weak, pathetic, bitter, resentful, envious mindset. It's lowly and untermensch.

"He has something better than I have. This can't be because he had more natural ability or because he worked harder than me. It must be because he's a greedy person who lies, cheats and steals. Yeah. That's it.

Phew. I almost had to get off my ads and make something of myself for a second there. Luckily I found an out."

Remember, the way people get rich is fundamentally by being helpful and useful. Steve Jobs made his money because he was helpful and useful to a large amount of people, and so the compensation followed naturally.
