Just found this bunny in the water. Anybody ever try cooking waterlogged rabbit? I heard it's good

Just found this bunny in the water. Anybody ever try cooking waterlogged rabbit? I heard it's good.

Other urls found in this thread:


How the FUCK do you get "hm, sounds like a good idea" from "oh damn look it's a rabbit decaying at the bottom of a pond"

My best guess would be to stew it, though. Post results pls

In my family we always called them "soft pickled" rabbits

>stealing photos from reddit

>>knowing the photo was stolen from reddit

>knowing what reddit is


It doesn't take a Redditor to recognize Imgur filenames

Has it ever occurred to you that people might just use imgur, an image uploading website as a means to upload images?

Who the fuck even cares about reddit besides /b/tards anyway

>knowing what imgur is

Holy fucking shit, I just had the weirdest hive mind moment when I thought about posting this but didn't- only to see somebody else post exactly what I was going to post myself.

The conversation even went exactly as I envisioned it in my weird brain simulations I have of conversations I never initiate.

I have the Veeky Forums extension, so the posts just appeared in front of me, live, as though through telekenises.

I have officially been on the internet too long. :(

all i know is i want to die

t. reddit




that's just what being normal feels like.

that picture would be a cool album cover

Lol.. Check out the drag marks on the right. Dennis Hopper was in motion!

pendulum, rabbits rising.

This pic is kino as fuck

How do you you even drown as a rabbit. Your food is right fucking there in there water and you're like hey im a fucking stupid rabit I probably cant swim but you dive into the deep expecting not to die. Dumb ass fucking rabbit, you moron, you deserved to die

rip bune

Say a rabbit drowned in some ice water in the winter. How well would it be preserved?