What's a book that's actually fun to read?

What's a book that's actually fun to read?

if on a winter's night a traveler

Confederacy of Dunces
Gogol's Petersburg Tales


three men in a boat


Tropic of Cancer
The Doctor is Sick
White Noise
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
(At Swim-Two-Birds)

>Gogol's Petersburg Tales
Just finished this I liked it a lot. He is quite a sad man I believe. characters are social autists like on here. Lots of metaphors used it was the first gogol I read where should I go next from here.

fun to read, and a fucking noir masterpiece to boot

fun to read

Any book that you actually care about, pseud

everything by eric frank russell is fun

He's criminally overlooked

The Book Thief

The Great Train Robbery.

>reading for fun

>The Book Thief
The oxygen thief

This, The Master and Margarita, At Swim Two Birds / Third Policeman, pic related

I cried so hard

Any Wodehouse, really. Dont like this stuff then there's not much hope for you, im afraid :^(


City of Dreaming Books desu

I like O'Brien's short stories, I'm trying to read At Swim Two Birds right now but it ain't doing much for me unfortunately...

Kafka by the shore.


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

if you dont have fun reading dont read

I'm aware this might be a meme, but for other reason would you read fiction if not for some form of entertainment?

Try a Third Policeman. A lot less "complicated" and a little more humorous.


patrician credentials

A hypnotist makes a dad disappear out of his three sons' lives, then they grow up into dysfunctional, mentally ill adults

I'm sure people will say these are reddit, but Vonnegut is engaging and fun to read if you're looking for that. I liked cats cradle despite the fedora tipping

also hitchhikers guide

Good Omens


Catch 22
Blood Meridian

been down so long it feels like up to me


donkey oaty

Gravity's Rainbow

Is that actually a book or just a funny way to write the original