Tfw too stupid to be a web dev/code monkey

>tfw too stupid to be a web dev/code monkey

Seems like those are the only high paying jobs now a days and demand is only growing but I'm just not autistic enough to get it :(

just hire a pajeet to do your job for you

Web dev is easy programming not so much unless your an autist

> O I L Y
> I
> L
> Y

Me too man, I'm a brainlet. Those jobs are high paying for a reason

Not a brainlet. What are the chances of getting hired in USA without a degree?

Hmmm. I'd still pump 20ccs into that...

And end up getting fired because they produced nigger tier unscalable code kek

cant unsee

la goblina...

i met dis whore @euphoria


Coding is about solving problems not learning some syntax you dumb brainlet.



top kek

Interesting approach. I'm down with it.

Look for syntax to solve my problems.

Is this pretty much the definition of a slampig?

Become a plumber. No joke, plumbers make bank and most of them are dumb as hell.

>Dayum thats one hell of an a...

God damnit, why does she have to have geddy lee's head

Can we stop posting this Kike? She is not even attractive.

Havent been to euphoria but have been to alchemy a couple times. I miss going to burns

Stop poasting this slag anytime

Coding is literally solving problems while learning syntax dude


I saved here because of the ass getting roped up nicely but never repost because of this


*fttt ppooooof*

Lol bro, I make 500K/year as a welder in a low cost of living area.

you're behind the times, it's 600k now


coding is easy asf. it's literally just "if this then that"


Well if you don't have a degree you need lots of experiences, so get those projects going and build a portfolio