"Jorb The Sushi Master"


Saito is better

lay off him, he's just an old man who likes to do one thing very autistically. If people want to praise him like he's a genius and throw heaps of money at him, that's their bag baby. Like any high-end cuisine, you're paying for the theatricality of it, not just the food.

Well, I mean yeah but... what have you done with your life exactly? Force memes on the internet? Are you the Jiro of forced memes, user?

Moot is the Jiro of Memes

Fuckin weebs

I would be comfortable with watching that documentary.

>Moot Dreams of Madoka

Of boxxy

Haha joke

What a star

Like any intelligent, forward thinking citizens of the 21st century, my wife and I are feminists. And like any feminists we were shocked and disgusted by this movie.

Both the main character (Jiro) AND the narrator are male! If alarms aren't going off in your head so far you're probably a bigot. Things became more and more repulsive as the movie played on. All of the supporting characters are male! And even worse, almost every single character in the movie is male!

I don't care if this is a documentary. My wife left the room in tears at the end of the first hour during a particularly sickening scene where Jiro serves a room full of customers. He says (not an exact quote) "I made the meals smaller for the women and larger for the men so that everyone would finish at the same time." Things like this would be expected in a film about Adolf Hitler or Winston Churchill (both disgusting sexist pigs)but in a movie about food it was just chilling. And that wasn't even the worst part! The women in the room appeared (probably special effects or movie magic of some type) TO APPROVE OF THIS. Can you believe that?

My wife won't talk about it and I'm not sure I could if I wanted to. I finished the movie with tears in my bloodshot eyes. I can't believe we've advanced so far as a society and women are still seen as being gutter scum.

Anyone forward thinking enough to simply be on the internet, to find this movie, to read this review, will be disgusted by the brutally sexist assault on your senses and common decency this movie has gotten away with.

What has even he done with his life? Spent 10 hours a day washing rice for 50 years

Wow, some life. He can't even stand his family.

The impressive part of sushi is the ingredient. There are enough niggas out there who can cut and serve just like Jiro. It's insane how people are duped into paying for his brand of marketing

Truly appalling indeed. I pray your wife's child will never witness this atrocity to common sense and decency.

Not that user, but he takes pride in his work and contributing to society by satisfying his customers. Can you say the same for yourself?

new copy pasta?

Nah. I remember seeing this somewhere.

japanese are to sushi as crocodiles are to florida. the one preys on the other, but in the end, it's a matter of practical necessity and genetics.


He has done something he really enjoys all his life and he has taught other people what he enjoys. Literally living the dream

Florida has alligators mane