I want to find the general solution to this equation and prove the solutions are unique please help

I want to find the general solution to this equation and prove the solutions are unique please help

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y'(((x^2)/2)+x) = y(x+1)


Fundamental Theorem of Algebra


I'm finishing linear and moving into diffeq and I still can't fucking remember which fancy name refers to which theorem/law without a quick googling, will it ever end?

Yeah, in a year or two you'll remember them.

Forgot to mention, that's y OF (x+1) on the right hand side. That is the slope of the function depends on the value of the function at a position 1 unit ahead on the x axis. This makes the problem non trivial

Isn't this just a separable equation?

Take a standard ODE any moron can solve... tweak it a little... fucking impossible.

I know right, i'm so powerless

I mean I can find one solution,I don't know if its the general one

if you have a polynomial of degree N you'll have at most N real roots

thought it was N complex roots.

what you've got there is a difference differential equation

i'd start here

He said at most dumb dumb

The problem op posted is found in chapter 3.


y' = y(x+1)
y' / y = x + 1

Now solve.


[math]f(x) = \Sigma_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{f(n)}{n!}x^n [/math]

Fourier transform to get the recursive condition on its fourier image
\tilde f(k) = \frac{\tilde f(k-1)}{-ik} .

I don't know if it's unique, but an 'obvious' solution is
\tilde f(k) = \frac{-ie^{i\pi k/2}}{\Gamma(k+1)} .

Checking wolfram reminded me this is ambiguous up to an overall constant. This spells doom for the uniqueness hope you had, as the solution to the differential equation should be
y(x)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{dk}{2\pi}\tilde f(k) e^{-ikx}\,dk =\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{dk}{2\pi} \frac{-ie^{-ik(x-\pi/2)}}{\Gamma(k+1)}\,dk
which is then itself ambiguous up to this overall constant.

It should be stated that I've made the friendliest convergence/existence assumptions possible throughout--under the hope the solution isn't 'too' pathological. The Gamma function in the denominator oscillates pretty wildly, but maybe there's a way to solve the integral.

I didn't get f'(x) = f(x+1) using the form of .

I have no idea if these are all the solutions, but let y(x) = e^(rx) for some r. Then from the differential equation, we have r*e^(rt) = e^(r(x+1)).

It follows that r must satisfy r = e^r, which can be solved by the Lambert W function. Then taking the real and imaginary parts of e^(rt) will give you a bunch of solutions.

Interesting. I guess the question is then if these solutions form a basis for smooth functions on the unit interval.

>I didn't get f'(x) = f(x+1)
you can show by induction that the n-th derivative of f in x is equal to f(x+n)

so if you write the taylor series for f in 0, you get the f(n)'s

the solutions are uniquely defined by their restriction to [0,1)

Plotted some of these. r=-W_k(-1), the k-th branch of Lambert's W function for k=0..4. Plots over interval [0,1]

clear all
for j=1:length(K)
hold off
hold on
hold off

For large integer k,
[math]-W_k(-1)\approx \log\Big( 2\pi (k+\frac{1}{4} )\Big) -i\ 2\pi(k+\frac{1}{4}) [/math],
so the k-th solution is like a modulated sinusoid.

Separation of variables.
dy/dx = y(x+1)
dy/y = (x+1)dx
ln|y| = (x^2)/2 + x
y = c(e^((x^2)/2) + e^x)

y(x+1) is not y*(x+1), it is the function y evaluated at x+1.

notice this:
if Y(x) is the vector (y(x),y(x+1),y(x+2),...), then Y' = J*Y, where J is an infinite jordan matrix with all diagonal coefficients equal to 0. (the matrix only has ones above the diagonal).