Hypothetically speaking, how would you describe the perfect booktuber channel? Does that channel already exist?

Hypothetically speaking, how would you describe the perfect booktuber channel? Does that channel already exist?

What kind of books would you like to see reviewed\discussed?
How do they review? In-depth, like a Yale professor, or like a personal recommendation, leaving the rest to your experience as a reader?
What other videos do they do? Topical discussions? Gratuitous book hauls?

I'm asking for a friend.

It's a lot like redtube. Product so vanilla I stop about two minutes in.

I'd like to watch a cute girl discovering a world of real literature, gradually abandoning YA and trashy romance novels. The truest experience of 21st century is experiencing the experience of another.

Set out to take advantage over the format. The booktuber should ask themself what they can add that would convey it must be in a video format rather than in text. Videos have visual and audio attached, think of good films and what's different from film and literature. Often I see videos that could've been easily summed in a paragraph and they waste my time which makes me angry. The medium is the message, so take full advantage of the medium for the sake of the message.

is this a veiled desire for good tits

As an example, I would say the YouTuber Every Frame a Painting takes advantage of the medium well.

how u do that

Simply do what they all do but with actual literature and a lower the energy level to something acceptable.

Unfortunately, being an attractive female is the main requirement. Hypothetically, it's possible to do without being female but not likely.

so just talk in front of a camera while talking about literature instead of YA fiction?


I'd watch that.

As few clothes as possible

See . Watch his videos "How Does an Editor Think and Feel?" and "F for Fake (1973) - How to Structure a Video Essay" (you should also watch F for Fake).

Google search "how to video essays" and related terms.

>Hypothetically speaking, how would you describe the perfect booktuber channel?

As nonexistent, because I have no interest in e-celeb garbage.

I have never once relied on a review to help me decide what to purchase. Unless the book is shrinkwrapped on the shelf, I'll just give it a quick look, then purchase it if it piques my interest. (And if it is shrinkwrapped, I have to wonder if the contents are so shitty that the author and / or publisher are trying to do some kind of damage control by not allowing me to preview the book's contents before purchase)

Finally, I've met my match. This tiring culture of reviews have been getting on my nerves, dear friend. Art is not a democratic process! It is not just that the whole idea of criticism is useless, more - it is malign: opinions are so infectious, and I have little desire to become a sheep, much like modern youth. The flowers of my though need no Bloom, lest they wither. And, excuse my profanity, it's such a damn shame that we are quite the rare specimens! It looks like inhabitants of this sorry place have also taken the hook.

Honestly, like the girl that Veeky Forums always posts in the booktuber threads. She is really cute, and would like to meet her to make her my girlfriend, and teach her about the distinction between the trash she reads and actual literature.

If someone were to review books that jived with what this board enjoys, I feel like it would be similar to the relation between Anthony Fantano and /mu/. Do you really want to hear some white girl try to intelligently convey something about Stirner? I don't.


Nah, mate, I need first impressions and immediate experience. It is fleeting, though, soon she would understand her fanbase and try to appeal to it, which is a dead end.

Do you not think, sometimes, that the only worthwile part of sex is taking another's virginity?

Ironic faggotry is still faggotry.

>no "uh"s, no "so", no "you guys", no "like"
>nothing about the author until after the book's been presented
>touch on the prose/style/ambience/themes and setting, but no plot summary beyond the very beginning
>a look at the print and/or mention if there's any particular reason to go for print instead of ebook
>tits at the end

I mean the whole sex thing kinda depends on your outlook I guess. Can't say I have much on input on such a thing being a virgin myself and also not really feeling the need for intercourse anymore since I'm not 16.


>>tits at the end

You can't have nudity though. If she put the book down when she was done and started to twerk a bit as she said what book she was planning to review for the next video that would be a perfectly fine substitute.

She is really cute. I wonder if she's a virgin.

This is beautiful

In 2016? All girls (that is, whores (thanks to progressivism)) lose their virginity at nine now-a-days, even without consent (this is mainly due to rape culture).