ITT we post our biggest Trading mistakes along with our biggest success

ITT we post our biggest Trading mistakes along with our biggest success

Mistake: Sold 50 LTC at 80 dollars 2 days before it mooned to $270 for BTC.

Success: Bought Vechain for $1.15 in decmber

>Sold 50 LTC at 80 dollars 2 days before it mooned to $270 for BTC.
I would metaphorically kms.

Biggest mistake: not buying Chainlink at $0.15

Biggest success: buying 10k chainlink at $0.55

Is that Anita Sarkeesian's slutty buff sister?



I already posted this today. But sure.

I felt pretty angry. my trading history is full of these moments. especially moments where i was either waiting for fiat to arrive and miss it, or call a good trade and put off off "till later" and miss it.

I really need to learn to start going with my gut. I get burnt so much more often for NOT doing so than I do for ignoring it. Maybe confirmation bias? idk.

Biggest success was buying LINK ICO and selling shortly after the the top.

x100 leverage, random spike during the dump liquidated me before continuing its drop. Opps.

Mistake: chosing omg over nuls last week

Success: Selling vechain on rebrand

Not selling 200k TAU AT 10x for about 200k at watching it plummet to 30k

In fact just today I FUCKING saw the VEN announcement, it was 40k sats. I said "i'm going to sink 50k usd into this cunt right now and sell after a nice 10%" but then i thought t "eh i finish work in 30 minutes" and thought it could wait till i got home rather than fiddle on my Shiite phone.
Well it fucking mooned and i was too late.

Success: buying raiblocks at $1

Mistake: dumping $17k on req at 80 cents and holding all the way down

Failure: bought 50 BTC worth of Tenebrix when it first released

ended up Fairbrix was more popular, but Litecoin was even more popular than that

Success: bought ETH at $76

I missed a '0' when entering in my purchase price in sats on binance for a coin.

Fucking lost $800 buying 37 RLC coins for around $21 each.

god i fucking hope so

biggest mistake

biggest success bought MU

mistake: held altcoins from December till February

success: got into XRP, XLM, VEN, ICX, and REQ before they mooned in december

overall, i'm so far away from my ATH but still in the green by a bit

not only sitting on stuff I believe in, but trying to make short-medium term predictions on things I think will be popular.

I would have had ~3x more than now if I had just listened, but only because my short-medium term predictions gave me a compounded 5x. I could have gone 15x.

Fuck. At least I know that I have a good eye for undervalued winners now, so I'm more confident, comfy and patient.

its what stings me the most these days.
For the past 3 weeks ive made at least 6 calls where i would have made 20% each time. I ignore my gut and lose out.

need to trust it more.

biggest mistake - sold 130 ETH at $270

biggest win - bought 130 ETH at $40

runner up

biggest mistake - didnt sell my 3 bitcoin at 20000

biggest win - bought 3 bitcoin at $4000 and still have them

Mistake: FOMO'd into Blocksafe NASA partnership fake news and exited 30% down on my whole stack

Success: All-in XLM from $0.23 to $0.90 over the course of 4 days. But then I held half the stack back down to $0.50, so FML.

buying crypto

These kind of mistakes taught me to take profits at ATHs. Not always an entire stack unless i really think its done a crapshot, but at least 25% per high.

Mistake: Bought DBC, didn't sell it at >60¢, would've gone 11x if I had.

Success: Credits ICO, buying Ripple at 10¢ and selling close to peak.